Brown Rice in Myanmar - Health Benefits of Consuming Brown Rice
What is brown rice?
Brown rice is whole grain rice. It is a healthier substitute than our usual white rice due to the nutty flavour. Though, rancidity is a key issue with this rice as the bran and germs comprise of fats that are meant to spoil food products. Many countries produce brown rice like Brown Rice in Myanmar.
Is it just a colour difference?
Both variants of rice indeed have different colours and there is a reason behind this. The minerals available in Brown rice are much different than White rice. Fundamentally, 'White Rice is polished Brown Rice'.
The refining process strips the white variant of minerals like manganese, iron, vitamins B-1, B-3 & B-6, dietary fibre, phosphorus and essential fatty acids. The brown variant still has some hull and bran which provide the grain proteins, fibre, magnesium, thiamine etc.
Health Benefits of brown rice supplied by Brown Rice Supplier in Myanmar
It is supposed that the majority of people consume white rice because of the variance in their appearances. Though, this is not true when features like nutrition and health are taken into account.
Selenium Content
Brown rice has a rich selenium level which reduces the risk for developing common ailments like cancer, arthritis and heart disease.
Lowers Diabetes Risk
Researchers revealed that eating brown rice twice a week can lower diabetes. By consuming only 50 grams a day, type 2 diabetes dangers get lowered by 16 %.
Prevents Weight Gain in Women
Women consuming these rice are further likely to preserve healthy body weight. Weight gain is contrariwise related to intense high-fibre rice while consuming white rice increases weight over some time.
High Fiber Levels
The fibre attaches itself to substances that cause cancer and toxins thereby eliminating them from attaching to the colon wall. This prevents colon cancer.
High Manganese
Almost 80% of daily manganese requirement could be provided by just a cup of brown rice. Manganese supports our body creates fats & benefits our nervous and reproductive systems.
Low Cholesterol
The oil present in the rice together with the high fibre content lowers cholesterol. It helps us to control the cholesterol level.
Excellent Baby Food
In cereal form, this rice is the perfect food for toddlers due to the presence of thick natural nutrition and fibre. A growing child will need food with multiple nutrients than refined white rice offers.
Reduces Metabolic Syndrome Risk
Recent studies have found that insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome get down by 38%. It was low among those eating fibre from whole grains (brown rice).
Anti-Inflammatory Properties
The rice is full of antioxidants which is similar to what we find in fruits and vegetables. These function with anti-inflammatory possessions which treat diseases like arthritis and asthma. Its feasting reduces inflammation, cardiovascular risk markers, BMI, and diastolic blood pressure.
However, the nutritive value of brown rice was challenged due to alleged concerns over the presence of arsenic levels. It was said that it is because brown rice absorbs a great deal of water while growing. But later studies revealed otherwise and this rice can be consumed for the excellent benefits it provides supplied by the Brown Rice Exporter from Myanmar.
Brown rice is whole grain rice. It is a healthier substitute than our usual white rice due to the nutty flavour. Though, rancidity is a key issue with this rice as the bran and germs comprise of fats that are meant to spoil food products. Many countries produce brown rice like Brown Rice in Myanmar.
Is it just a colour difference?
Both variants of rice indeed have different colours and there is a reason behind this. The minerals available in Brown rice are much different than White rice. Fundamentally, 'White Rice is polished Brown Rice'.
The refining process strips the white variant of minerals like manganese, iron, vitamins B-1, B-3 & B-6, dietary fibre, phosphorus and essential fatty acids. The brown variant still has some hull and bran which provide the grain proteins, fibre, magnesium, thiamine etc.
Health Benefits of brown rice supplied by Brown Rice Supplier in Myanmar
It is supposed that the majority of people consume white rice because of the variance in their appearances. Though, this is not true when features like nutrition and health are taken into account.
Selenium Content
Brown rice has a rich selenium level which reduces the risk for developing common ailments like cancer, arthritis and heart disease.
Lowers Diabetes Risk
Researchers revealed that eating brown rice twice a week can lower diabetes. By consuming only 50 grams a day, type 2 diabetes dangers get lowered by 16 %.
Prevents Weight Gain in Women
Women consuming these rice are further likely to preserve healthy body weight. Weight gain is contrariwise related to intense high-fibre rice while consuming white rice increases weight over some time.
High Fiber Levels
The fibre attaches itself to substances that cause cancer and toxins thereby eliminating them from attaching to the colon wall. This prevents colon cancer.
High Manganese
Almost 80% of daily manganese requirement could be provided by just a cup of brown rice. Manganese supports our body creates fats & benefits our nervous and reproductive systems.
Low Cholesterol
The oil present in the rice together with the high fibre content lowers cholesterol. It helps us to control the cholesterol level.
Excellent Baby Food
In cereal form, this rice is the perfect food for toddlers due to the presence of thick natural nutrition and fibre. A growing child will need food with multiple nutrients than refined white rice offers.
Reduces Metabolic Syndrome Risk
Recent studies have found that insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome get down by 38%. It was low among those eating fibre from whole grains (brown rice).
Anti-Inflammatory Properties
The rice is full of antioxidants which is similar to what we find in fruits and vegetables. These function with anti-inflammatory possessions which treat diseases like arthritis and asthma. Its feasting reduces inflammation, cardiovascular risk markers, BMI, and diastolic blood pressure.
However, the nutritive value of brown rice was challenged due to alleged concerns over the presence of arsenic levels. It was said that it is because brown rice absorbs a great deal of water while growing. But later studies revealed otherwise and this rice can be consumed for the excellent benefits it provides supplied by the Brown Rice Exporter from Myanmar.