Branded Golf Equipment Business in Full Boom in India
Different Market research reports have revealed that Golf sport is gaining popularity in the country. With the increasing popularity of this sport in this country, the investment in the Golf real estate projects has almost doubled in the country in the last few years. Earlier this sport had a low participation rate in the country in comparison to other games being played in the country. Once this game became an Olympic sport, the popularity of this game touched the skies. And some credit of the popularity of this game in India goes to international Golfer Tiger Woods as well.This increasing popularity of the game has increased the demand for the branded Golf Equipment in the country.
The Golf tourism in the country is slowly and steadily
developing into a successful business in the country. There are numerous
companies that are tailoring the needs of the Golfers in the country. The most important need of a golfer is the branded golf equipment and the good news is that the equipment is now
available in the country.
According to different
marketing research reports, the revenue generated from branded Golf equipment and a supply including Golf accessories, golf balls, and
golf apparel has gone up multiple times in the recent years. The
imported branded golf equipment is now sold online in India.
How Demand for the Premium Branded Golf Equipment
Shoot Up in India?
In the recent years, the demand for the premium products and
in the new innovations in the branded
Golf equipment has increased. It is the
Golf Clubs that are believed to have dominated the accessories and equipment
sale in India. The market research studies suggest that though this market is
currently small, it is one of the fastest growing markets in the country. The
reason for it is said to be the high growth potential in the Golf industry of
the country.
And keeping in view the high growth potential
of Golf industry in the country, the branded Golf equipment manufacturers are
now mulling expansion of their business in India. Several US-based equipment
makers entered the Indian market in 2010. But then the size of the Golf
industry was fairly small as compared to other countries. But in 2017, it is
growing at about 30 percent per annum. The main reason for it is that Golf
Sport in India is considered an important part of the country’s corporate
With more and more Indian golfers qualifying
for international tournaments, the surge in the demand for branded Golf
equipment will naturally go up in the country.
The biggest market for branded golf equipment in the country is Delhi but the sport is gaining popularity in Bangalore and other metropolitan cities of the country as well. The soothing climate and the passion and aggression in the people for the Golf is making Bangalore another potential market of branded golf equipment. Delhi alone has near about 600 CEOs playing Golf while as Bangalore has 300 CEO’s playing the Golf. Nowadays many IT biggies and corporates also play golf in the country.