Brand New Quality Viral Mailer
There is only one Free Viral Mailer for the Professionals..
Fast, simple, effective
VMPro has been developed with the PROfessional Marketer in mind.
Getting your message out is fast, simple, and free..
And you can get started in Minutes.
* Weekly TOP Promoters Contest
With Weekly Cash Prizes!
* Average Surf Reward Bonuses with
Daily, Weekly & Monthly Cash Prizes
* Viral Social Promo tools
* Sponsor Incentives
* Email Bonuses
* Banner Prizes
* Login Prizes
* 1000 FREE Mailing Credits upon Signup
* 1000 Text ad Impressions Upon signup
* 1000 Banner Impressions Upon signup
* Residual Commissions up to 60%
* Monthly Credits Bonus to Free members!
* Mail the list as you join!
* Dynamic Click Ratio
* Network Square Banners
* Low Payout has a modern interface and does cater for both
experienced and unexperienced users due to tons of tips and guides
that support them during the sending process.
The Mailer You have been waiting for is here!
P.S. If you are ready to save money, you should pay extra
close attention on your first login to discover the amazing
OTO that will really give you a boost.