BRAKES Prom Season Online Fundraising Campaign Copy

Posted by Puton The Brakes
Apr 13, 2017
Help B.R.A.K.E.S. #KeepPromSafe
More teens in this country die in car crashes than from any other cause. Statistics show that Prom Season is one of the most dangerous times of year for new drivers.

The combination of distraction, inexperience and potentially risky behavior can quickly turn a teenage dream into a season of regret.

Did you know?

- Half of all teens will experience a car crash before they graduate from high school

 - Teens are four times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash with three or more friends in the car (#DistractedDriving - phones aren't the only problem!)

 - Half of all teen car-crash deaths occur at night and on the weekends ... exactly when proms take place.

At B.R.A.K.E.S.,  we've made it our mission to prevent injuries and save lives by training and educating teenage drivers and their parents about the importance of safe and responsible driving.

Tips to Keep Prom Season Safe:

If possible, just don’t drive, and leave the car at home.  Prom is all about flash!  Book a limo or a luxury van and let the pro driver get you where you need to be! This cost can easily be split between every member in your prom party and is a very safe alternative to driving yourself.

Limit your passengers if you must drive.  Every teenager you add to your car increases your chances of becoming distracted while driving and potentially doing something reckless.

Have an escape plan.  We all know everyone makes mistakes.  Make sure to set an agreement that no matter what, you can call mom or dad if you get stuck and need a ride.

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