Bitcoin for the Legal Marijuana Industry... Meet Potcoin

Posted by Alex Smith
May 26, 2017

Montreal, Canada (May 25, 2017) - Most people have now heard of the obscure digital currency named Bitcoin and have for the most part sat on the sidelines and watched in awe as the price of a single bitcoin continues to increase on a seemingly daily basis, now exceeding $2,300 each!

Ethereum, another popular digital currency, approaches $200 and Litecoin now exceeds $30 a piece. Just one year ago these various crypto-currencies were small fractions of their current values representing stratospheric gains for early adopters of this next generation digital payment and logging system. Even Dogecoin, started as a meme joke, has it's investors and early adopters celebrating with 5-figure percentage gains!

Now that China and India have recently jumped on board, the digital currency frenzy shows no sign of slowing down.

In the USA and Canada the legal marijuana industry is experiencing a similar explosion in growth to digital currencies in the worldwide market.

Could Potcoin, appropriately branded for its market, solve the legal marijuana industry's traditional banking dilemma? After all, Bitcoin enables you (your smartphone) to become your own bank.

Potcoin appears to be the established frontrunner crypto currency for the legal marijuana industry worldwide.

Based in Montreal, Canada and currently trading hands for a mere 10 cents each, Potcoin is positioning itself to be the self-banking alternative for the worldwide legal marijuana industry.

For more information, please visit

Montreal, Canada


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