Bishops do have Maplestory Mesos safe on mmogo

Posted by mmogonba2017 l.
Aug 15, 2018

In addition, I feel there are far more nefarious ways to punish people who'll go into a PQ and AFK (or another Maplestory M Mesos  training map for that matter). The way this would work is that so long as you are an active party member, you may continue to gain party exp. Once you go inactive you quit gaining exp from celebration kills, fairly simple actually.


An inactive player will be described as a participant who: Hasn't killed a single telescope at the previous 5 minutes (for routine maps) or 1 min (for PQ and boss maps) having an active assault (summons, DoT, passive harm, souls, familiars are not active attacks. Kishin would not count as an active attack, simply to make that clear to get kanna leechers). This is primarily to combat people who misuse two or more computers to train in a party with their own buff mules.


Among the greatest arguments I see against that is that individuals can be active in a celebration by speaking to party members rather than killing anything. However, I do not understand how this could be implemented. It would be trivial enough to write a script which makes your own afk leecher just spout off collections of words which look ordinary enough so that it is again considered "busy" and profits exp for leeching. I am trying to avoid leeching, therefore if somebody can propose a solution for this problem then I will gladly consider it.

Bishops do have reduced damage, but I'm of the firm belief, for almost any sport, which if you can't even give rise to the killing then you've got no right to maintain that coaching map. DH is not the only place to train in the game, if your character is not powerful enough to train there then I don't believe you should be given any allowances to incentivize what buy Maplestory Mesos numbers to sitting at a chair afk. It truly isn't that tough to allow them to get 1 kill each 5 min. Maybe what you would be happier with is either a 10 or 15min rule. I don't think that it should go any higher than 15min (I really think 10min should be the maximum, but its all) though.

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