Biofertilizers Market Size & Analysis | Global Industry Report Analysis - 2023

Posted by Deepak Kumar
Apr 10, 2018
The global demand for bio-fertilizers market is expected to rise because of growing consumer preference for organic food. Factors such as increased health consciousness, environmental awareness and rising disposable income are causing an extraordinary demand for organic foods globally.
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Bio-fertilizers are increasingly in demand and are vital components of organic farming. Bio-fertilizers enhance crop yield and fertility of the soil, hence becoming the preferred choice for organic farmers.
Bio-fertilizers are made from human, organic and animal wastes and are sustainable in nature. Bio-fertilizers consist of microorganisms such as algae, bacteria and fungi, alone, or in combination, and they enhance nutrient availability in plants by fixing atmospheric nitrogen and dissolving the phosphorus present in the soil.
Various bio-fertilizers such as rhizobium, azotobacter, and azospirillium are used for soil and seed treatments. The various microorganisms used as nitrogen-supplying bio-fertilizers are azotobactor, rhizobium, actinorhizae and azospirillum.
The global bio-fertilizers market can be categorized on the basis of different type of bio-fertilizers, type of crop and type of micro-organism. Based on type of bio-fertilizers, the global bio-fertilizers market can be divided into nitrogen-fixing, potash-mobilizing and phosphate-solubilizing bio-fertilizers.
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Major competitors in the global bio-fertilizers market are Novozymes, Symborg, Labiofam, Agri Life, Ajay Bio-Tech Ltd., Antibiotice Iași, Biomax Life Sciences Limited and others. Ajay Bio-Tech Ltd. is concentrating its resources on western markets along with the Asian markets.
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