Best Way to Speed up pc - Some Tricks to Speed up Slow Computer Performance

Posted by kapil Mehta
Dec 4, 2017

It is the desire of every person to enjoy using the computer and get the assigned task done completely and much to the satisfaction of others. But a slow and sluggish computer can be found to be quite annoying. This may prompt the user to simply throw it away and to make again fresh investments in a new one. This is not required since it is possible to know the best way to speed up pc and make the computer new once again.

Know useful tips to speed up the computer

There are indeed numerous tips that one can find on the web to speed up the old computer and make it as good as new. Those using the computer will find these tips to be quite useful and beneficial as they no longer have to waste a good amount of money on new purchases. There are some crucial steps that need to be followed for enjoying better speed.

Uninstall unused programs

Firstly open the features page and program in the control panel. Check all installed software. Uninstall those ones which are not necessary. But it is important to ensure that that the programs required by the computer hardware are not tampered with, since the machine will not function properly. Use a good program to see instant results.

Delete temporary files

This is the next step to be taken. The reason is that many temporary files start to take up precious space on the computer, as day to day tasks are undertaken on the PC. Such files can be found to be on the PC hard disk, thus resulting in slowing down of the computer speed. These files are to be eliminated from wherever it is present including internet history and cookies. Undertaking this assignment will help the system to get plenty of useful empty space on the hard disk, thus speeding up PC speed. The best program can help to clean the computer without the user having to take pains or waste precious time.

Solid state drive installation

The major reason for computer to run at snail speed is because of issues taking place in the hard drives. In many cases, it tends to reduce startup speed. In such conditions, trying to install solid state drive is sure to help to speed up immensely the startup.

Extra hard drive storage

There are many who are known to use their PCs for filming videos or to record television episodes or series. Such users are required to install hard drive having additional space to ensure that the drive does not get heavy, resulting in the computer slowing down drastically.

Avoid unnecessary start-ups

Some of the installed programs are likely to run immediately upon startup. If some programs are not required to be loaded during startup, simple deselect them manually. Click on ‘disable all’ option present and select programs desired to run. With fewer programs to load at startup, the computer is sure to increase speed.

Therefore, by knowing how to speed up pc, the user can enjoy using the computer without having to face any hassle.

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