Best strategies for to pitch an investor for your tech startup

Nov 21, 2017

Being a startup pitching the investors is quite a difficult task. You as a startup often find for the best ways to pitch an investor in order to get positive response from them. The below stated are some strategies to pitch the investors just the right way.

Opt for simplified things

Dont complicate your business. Keep it simple in front of the investors. Despite of presenting your business well in front of the investors many a times, it is always first time for them. Avoid posting much of the content on your site as that might distract the investors.

Turn your talks into a storytelling

Storytelling is sure to grab the attention of the listener and it makes the talk interesting for them to listen. Investors don’t find it interesting to look into the boring spreadsheets, number or valuations, they will be instead more happy if you present your business in form of a story.

Dont follow the Crowd

The pitchers must have been following many pitch deck template giving you a long list of specifications. But the actual fact is every business is different and there is no need of following a particular predetermined pattern or format. Decide your own business format, as no one else can know your business better than you.

Be specific

If investors are giving their time to you, value it well. Determine your core components that are to be presented before the investors. Be laser focused and avoid wasting time in talking what is not needed.

Explain the USPs of your product or service

Today, each one of us wants to stand out of the crowd. Even the investors look for that something new in your business. Ensure to present well the unique specifications of your product and service as that will draw the interest of the investors.

Be a step ahead

When you approach the investors presenting your business, be well prepared with the future proceedings too. They might ask you for your future plan, the marketing strategy, running out of the exact idea in that situation might not leave a good impression on the investors.

Brief the investors about your product/service and the target audience

After listening to all your long stories, the actual point of interest for the investors is your product or service. It is important to detail them on the product or service information, let them know the scope of its success in future. Make them aware with your target audience as that will help them get a better clarity on the possibilities of future success.

Present your Revenue Model Well

The next best thing that is sure to draw the attention of the investors is the business revenue model. Investors invest with a motive of earning a good return from it. They are keen on knowing their return ratio and how is their money going to benefit your start up. Inform them on your type of revenue model along with the strategy you intend to follow.

Showcase your personality well

First impression is the last one, and first impression is laid upon by the way you dress. Dress well as you are going to be judged on that basis when you newly meet the investors.

Rehearse and Revise

Practice well before you actually present yourself and your business before an investor. Be ready with an answer to all their questions. Practice your pitch well.



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