Best Online Reputation Marketing Tool 2022: Improve Customer Reviews & Referrals

Posted by PRC Agency
Feb 14, 2022
Best Online Reputation Marketing Tool 2022: Improve Customer Reviews & Referrals

For centuries people have been asking, "Where are all the aliens? Why don't they visit the Earth?"

Maybe it's because when they checked our online reviews, they saw we only had 1-star.

Okay, so that's probably not the reason - but having 1-star reviews can seriously hurt a business here on planet Earth - and that's why so many of them use reputation marketing software.

An online reputation can make or break your business in today’s digital world, where up to 90% of customers say their purchasing decisions are influenced by reviews and recommendations. Scott Hall explains how software can monitor and improve your brand's online reputation, and which programs provide the most effective features.

Visit to learn more about reputation marketing software, or to read a comparison of the best options available today.

While some features of reputation marketing software are available individually or can be performed by people collecting and responding to data by hand, the software brings it all into one dashboard to make managing your brand online more efficient. The features that should be available on a dashboard include reviews, data analytics, comments, and responses across various platforms.

There are five key features that Scott Hall explains, and suggests users should look for in a reputation management system. The first is data analytics, which provides a measurable way to track your brand’s online reputation through mentions, engagement, demographics, and keywords.

With most brands having an online presence on multiple platforms, one of the most useful tools available in many software options is a multi-response system. This allows you to reply to messages across a wide variety of platforms from a single location, or to share the same response to multiple messages.

One feature that is essential in a reputation marketing software package is efficient review tracking. The most effective software options will track reviews across a variety of pages and make them all available for viewing and responses in the dashboard.

This feature is important for maintaining your brand's digital reputation by replying to poor reviews, or correcting mistakes when required. The longer a poor review or comment is left without a response, the more poorly it will reflect on your company.

In his new guide, Scott Hall compares and explains the features available in the 8 most effective reputation marketing software options available today, and provides insight into which options may work best for different businesses.

Scott Hall has over 20 years of expertise working with search engines, and ten years specializing in enterprise software. He is the author of the popular book “The Blog Ahead,” and currently writes about digital content marketing and SaaS for small businesses.

No matter what kind of business you're in, you can benefit from having a solid online reputation. It's the first thing many potential customers look for when deciding where to shop, and with the right software - managing it is easy.

Visit to learn more about what reputation marketing software is, and why it's important.

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