Best Online Advertising Alternative In New Haven | Get Branded Blogs & Videos

Posted by PRC Agency
Oct 18, 2022
Best Online Advertising Alternative In New Haven | Get Branded Blogs & Videos

In my personal experience, there is only one thing on this entire planet that absolutely everyone can agree on, regardless of age, race, gender, or nationality.

There are way too many ads, absolutely everywhere.

They're annoying, and they need to stop.

Don't trust me though, ask absolutely anyone - or don't even ask, just watch the expression on their face as the video or show they're watching is interrupted for the 10,000th time, so they can watch the same annoying ad for laundry detergent again.

While the traditional method of advertising involves forcing massive amounts of potential customers to view videos or images related to a product or service, HM Optimisation OÜ has omnipresence branding campaigns that help to put information about your brand in front of just the right people, at just the right time.

Instead of being annoyed by your advertisements, consumers will be pleased by your helpful content. You won't have to force them to watch your ads either, because they'll find the content all by themselves when they're looking for something relevant.

Visit to learn more about how it works.

The omnipresence branding campaigns are available for clients in New Haven, Waterbury, and throughout Connecticut, with six different multimedia formats.

What does that mean? It means branded content about your company, in the form of press releases, blogs, videos, slideshows, infographics, and even podcasts.

Here's how it works, and why.

When a customer is looking for a new product, let's say it's a new TV, what do they do?

Decades ago, they might have bought one they saw in an advertisement, or gone to the store to browse their selection, but today that's not how it happens at all. What they're going to do is fire up the Google search, and type in something like "Best 4k TV Under $1000," or "Get Affordable SmartTV In New Haven."

When you're doing a Google search, do you start clicking on ads? Probably not, and they won't either. What they're looking for is content. A video that showcases their options, a blog about the best TVs, or an infographic that tells them more about what's available.

The omnipresence marketing campaigns from HM Optimisation OÜ make sure that your branded content is right there, at the top of the search results. It doesn't just mention your brand either, it also contains links directly back to your sales pages - and your customers will never even know it's an ad.

Writing all that content sounds like hard work, right? No problem, the entire multimedia campaign is provided as a fully “done-for-you” service, and you never have to record any videos or write any articles - but that's not even the best part.

Using weekly or monthly campaigns, you can consistently increase your brand authority with search engine algorithms, which helps your brand to rank higher in the search results for more keywords. Every time a new blog or podcast is added with links to your website, it tells Google that your brand is relevant and important, so every other article about your brand, and your main page, also gets a boost in the search rankings.

These marketing campaigns use a strategy that begins with a hyper-local focus on very specific keywords, and as the campaign continues and your brand’s authority increases, more keywords and locations are added. This strategy helps your brand rank high in the search results for a large volume of keywords and locations, and it can put you near the top for even the most competitive keywords.

Unlike traditional advertising, which many consumers find annoying and often actively ignore, omnipresence branding campaigns provide interesting and informative content that your customers will seek out for themselves.

So, let's recap. No annoying advertisements, interesting content created by professionals, and it boosts your search rankings.

Does it sound too good to be true?

Let me tell you a little secret - you know those annoying bench advertisements that say things like, "Made you look! See, bench advertising really works."

Well... Made you look! See, multimedia content advertising really works.

Visit to get your own blogs, podcasts, and more - silly jokes are optional.

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