Best Ever Chocolate Pudding Recipe

Posted by Rehan S.
Jun 6, 2022
We offer the ideal dairy-free dark chocolate pudding formula for you with only Seven items, ten mins of cooking time, and One minute of consuming time! This dairy-free dark chocolate pudding is simply another delicious dessert for those following a dairy-free diet.

This pudding was produced using only the most basic materials and a few simple procedures. You may cook this pudding whenever you're in a hurry but still want to eat something delicious!

Some Simple Tips To Remember While Preparing Dark Chocolate

No doubt, puddings are simple to make, but there are usually a few factors that might go wrong and ruin the final product. Mentioned below  are a few things to bear in mind when you prepare the pudding:

•    To make the pudding, use a heavy-bottomed pot with a thick bottom that won't burn quickly. Cooking time for puddings can range from five to fifteen mins, so be sure the pan you're using is equal to the task.

•    Constantly prepare your pudding on a low to moderate flame setting. Raising the heat to speed up the cooking procedure would simply burn the pudding and ruin its flavour and texture. Be calm and allow the pudding to finish cooking on its own time.

•    When the pudding is on the heat, ensure to continually stir it. If you end up leaving it alone, the pudding would adhere to the pan's bottom and burn. A balloon mixer is ideal for this activity, although a wooden spatula will suffice.

•    Ensure that the pudding is completely cooked. Whenever the pudding begins to thicken and bubbles burst, you'll know it's done. This indicates that the cornflour has completely activated and the pudding has reached its full cooking temperature.

•    Sliding your finger down the rear of the wooden spatula is another simple technique to see whether the pudding is done. When the pudding washes clean, you know it's done!

•    If you would like your pudding to be particularly glossy, utilize a hand mixer to emulsify it after it's been removed from the heat.

Ingredients for chocolate pudding

•    Five tablespoons or seventy-five grammes of sugar
•    One teaspoon or 4 grammes of powdered coffee
•    Two tablespoons or 15 grammes of powdered cocoa
•    maize flour- four tablespoons or 30 gms)
•    A dash of salt
•    Two and a half bowls or 600ml of oat milk
•    One bowl or 170 grammes of dark chocolate, melted


•    Incorporate powdered coffee, sugar, powdered cocoa, a bit of salt and cornflour into a heavy-bottomed pot. Toss the dry materials together with a whisk.
•    Incorporate the chocolate that is melted and dairy-free milk into the same pot.
•    Place the pan over a relatively low flame and stir the pudding mixture regularly to prevent it from sticking to the bottom.
•    After around ten mins, the mixture would begin to thicken. Continue to simmer until the mixture reaches a boil.
•    Switch off the flame and remove the pot from the burner when you see bubbles burst.
•    Transfer the heated pudding to serving plates and place it in the refrigerator to chill.
•    Top with non-dairy heavy cream and your preferred toppings.
•    End up serving and have fun!

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