Best 7 Practices For Designing Better Mobile Apps - HokuApps

Posted by Karl P.
Mar 16, 2018

Businesses world over are seeking to hire dedicated mobile app developers who create successful apps by adopting certain useful practices while doing so. The best mobile app developers make use of these seven practices and build effective mobile applications.

We live in a world that has been completely taken over by our smartphones. This is why business owners all over the globe are looking to hire dedicated mobile app developers who can improve their enterprises’ online presence with an efficient, successful mobile app. But what makes a mobile app a success?

There are a couple of certain practices that do. What follows, are seven of the top practices that have been adopted by the hire best mobile app developers all over the world to create apps that are loved, and widely accepted:

Focus on Your Target Audience

Every mobile app is created for someone. That’s why, before you even start to build your mobile app, you need to take your target audience into consideration. The best mobile app developers always make it a point really think about who the app will be used by, why they’re going to use it, and what they seek from it. If you don’t have this information, a great way to start is by actually talking to an audience and understanding their expectations. By doing so, you’ll be able to create a mobile app that’s not only effective but successful.

Know What Your Competitors Are Doing

The best mobile app developers never fail to educate themselves about what their competition is doing. This is why it’s very important to evaluate your competitor’s mobile app thoroughly — a good way to start is by downloading their apps and actually using them. By knowing what your competition’s strengths and weaknesses are, you’ll know what makes a mobile app a success, and what doesn’t.

Make Sure Your Core Is Solid

When an enterprise hires you as a mobile app developer, what it really expects is for you to be able to create an app that has a strong core. You may want your mobile app to look pretty, but you need to make sure it’s as functional as can be. This requires you to really focus on your app’s core functionality, which includes its main business functions. The best mobile app developers start by ensuring that the app’s backend database is fully locked down, and the right results are returned to it. Once you’ve done this, your interface will automatically follow.

Pay Attention to the UX

The way a user interacts with your mobile app is extremely important. Even if you’ve got a great idea for an app, it will fail if it isn’t usable. The kind of mobile app you want to develop is one that is user-friendly and intuitive. The more usable your app is, the more likely is it to be adopted and accepted by the masses. For example, if the icons on your mobile app are too abstract and unrecognizable, users may struggle to find them or even miss them. This is likely to result in them having a bad experience while using the app you’ve developed. And so, to avoid this, it’s important to invest in good UX.

Don’t Take Mobile App Security Lightly

When hiring a dedicated mobile app developer, enterprises want to know that the app’s security is going to be taken seriously. It’s extremely vital to protect all kinds of private and sensitive information that is received by your mobile app, as mobile applications tend to be very vulnerable and prone to hacking. Thus, it’s vital to take the right security and privacy measures to protect each and every one of your users, as well as their data. Fool-proof security practices used by the best mobile app developers comprise encryption of data in transit, user authentication, and encrypting all private data that is stored in the cloud.

Test It: Again, and Again, and Again

It’s very common for mobile app developers to forget that users aren’t supposed to be the beta testers for the app. If you don’t test your application enough, you’ll probably give your audience a poorly functioning app. An app that’s full of bugs is prone to negative feedback, which will result in it failing while giving your brand a bad reputation. By continuously testing everything about your app — right from its functionality and design, to its performance — you’re more likely to give your audience a mobile app that works perfectly. And so, once you’ve tested your app, don’t stop there — you should test it again. After all, the best mobile app developers love testing their apps time and again.

Take Feedback and Results of Analytics Seriously

Your work doesn’t end after you’ve developed a mobile app and made it available to your target users. It’s important for you to keep monitoring the feedback received from the app — you could do this by viewing comments on social media sites and reading reviews on app stores. This is because, feedback from your users is sure to help you improve your app, as it mainly depends on what your users think of it. Besides feedback, the analytics features of your mobile app can prove to be very useful — it will help you track your users’ activity, crash logs, and more; so, you’ll have a better understanding of how well the application is functioning.

To sum it up, following the aforementioned practices will surely help you develop mobile apps that are convenient, useful, well-liked, and successful — they’ll make sure you’re a step closer to becoming one of the best mobile app developers out there.


With the increase in the use of smartphones every single day, almost every enterprise all over the world is looking to hire dedicated mobile app developers who can help enterprises take themselves to users’ fingertips, in the form well-functioning mobile applications. Thus, in order to develop a mobile app that’s effective and successful, mobile application developers need to adopt certain practices that will help them build apps that audience’s do not hesitate to use. There are seven fool-proof practices that have been adopted by the best mobile app developers to create applications that are nothing short of effective.

1.The first practice is extremely basic — it includes taking the target audience into consideration while building an app. By determining what the TG’s expectations are, creating an app for them becomes a simpler task.

2.Secondly, it’s important to know what the competition is doing. It’s vital to take into account what they’re doing right, as well as what they’re doing wrong. If this is done, building a successful app that will be chosen over that of the competitions becomes a piece of cake.

3.The next practice includes developing an app that has a strong core, and is very functional, as functionality is what matters the most. If an app isn’t usable, it isn’t successful.

4.What also makes an app usable, is the UX — making sure users have a good experience while using the application is a must.

5.It’s important to take mobile app security seriously. As apps are vulnerable, users’ private data must be protected.

6.A mobile app needs to be tested time and again before becoming available to the masses, as buggy apps are prone to negative reviews.

7.Finally, users’ feedback should always be taken into consideration, as they’re the ones the app has been developed for.

This post has been written by Karl Parker, who is a blogger and mobile app developer from HokuApps. His inclination towards mobile apps makes him write informative posts for the reader.

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