Benefits of Sculptra – A Powerful Collagen Dermal Filler

Posted by Andy Cheng
Aug 26, 2019

Everyone wants to look good, but intrinsic aging is causing your skin to lose volume, resulting in facial sagging over time. Sculptra is an excellent way to target both volume loss and fine lines and wrinkles, giving the face a completely rejuvenated look.


What is Sculptra?


The main compound in Sculptra is polylactic acid, commonly known as PLA. If PLA sounds familiar to you, it is because a popular brand of thread lift treatment in Singapore, called Silhouette Soft Thread Lift, is made of PLA. 


PLA is a widely used material in medicine, such as orthopedic devices, surgical sutures, and medical implants. It is completely safe for use in the human body as it is biodegradable. 


How does Sculptra work?


Other than its capabilities for medical treatments, it plays a significant role for stimulating the production of collagen. When strategically injected into the skin, it can plump up the skin, reversing facial sagging and filling in deep lines and soften wrinkles.


Once it is injected into the skin, it triggers an inflammatory response and the body creates white blood cells to the area to kickstart the healing process. This process results in fibroblasts, creating new collagen in the treated area. 


It takes about four to six weeks for collagen to reach a noticeable level to achieve anti-aging results.


What can Sculptra treat?


Sculptra has unique properties unlike any hyaluronic acid dermal fillers or even other collagen fillers in the market. It has powerful lifting capabilities that can sculpt and augment the body. For a start, Sculptra can be used like a dermal filler to treat the following:


·      Sunken, hollow cheeks

·      Deficient chin

·      Sunken, hollow temples

·      Nasolabial folds

·      Ill-defined lower face, including jawline 


The FDA approved the use of Sculptra in 2004 for facial volume replacement following lipoatrophy for people living with HIV.


Subsequently in 2009, the FDA approved Sculptra for the treatment of deep facial wrinkles and folds due to aging.


The powerful lifting capabilities of Sculptra has led doctors to use for off-label treatments, such as:


·      Augmenting buttocks for butt lift

·      Softening wrinkles and lines on elbows and knee

·      Reducing cellulite on thighs and buttocks

·      Tightening and firming loose skin on the arms

·      Sculpting men’s chest for more definition


The strong lifting and tightening capabilities of Sculptra create an illusion of increased muscle mass and tone, making people look healthier and more athletic.


What are the benefits of Sculptra?


There are many reasons Sculptra is preferred over other dermal fillers. Some of the reasons include:


·       Overall collagen level is boosted in the treated area.

·   Skin tone and texture look better and healthier due to the increase of collagen production.

·     Minimal downtime as it is non-surgical. Very few people can afford to take long absence from work for an elective procedure.

·    Results are natural. Sculptra aims to address skin aging by boosting collagen production in the treated area, so as to achieve a youthful appearance.

·    Results last significantly longer than regular hyaluronic acid dermal fillers.


Do doctors combine Sculptra with other treatments?


Doctors sometimes combine Sculptra with other anti-aging treatments such as Ultherapy or thread lift treatment to achieve a more complete anti-aging outcome for elderly patients with severe skin aging.

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