Assisted reproductive technologies Surrogate mother

Posted by Sayed M.
May 5, 2020

In the 21st century, future parents in need of reproductive medicine services, it would seem, should not spend a lot of time looking for a suitable clinic with decent service and clear guarantees. However, in reality, there are many "pitfalls". For example, not all clinics have their own surrogate mothers database, their price, accordingly, will be inflated due to the agency commission, and the option to choose a suitable candidate is not expected. Still, not all clinics give guarantees for the birth of a child at the end of the medical program: most of them offer a limited number of IVF protocols.

Accordingly, if the pregnancy was not achieved or it was interrupted, the couple will have to pay again to continue trying to become parents. And not all reproductive centers offer single people and unmarried couples programs with the birth of a child in countries that allow this practice (Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, USA). In very few clinics, remote programs are available for busy couples, also relevant in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. Feskov Human Reproduction Group has analyzed all these disadvantages and made them their advantages.

Since 2014, our clinic has been working on the principle of guaranteed programs: the packages of services offered by us at a fixed price imply a different degree of risk coverage (minimum - up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, maximum - until the birth of a healthy baby and his legalization in his parents' country). If the pregnancy was terminated before the result planned in your contract (or IVF was not successful), the clinic repeats the entire cycle of procedures without additional payments until the result is achieved. And the price of a surrogate mother or leihmutter Kosten and egg donor are included in all our programs (the opportunity is available to choose a surrogate mother and a donor by photo/video or even personally).

We have developed special programs for single people and unmarried couples: the medical part of the program is implemented in Ukraine, and delivery in the Czech Republic or one of many other countries where we have partner clinics. Each service package includes guest service: accommodation and 3 meals a day for the duration of medical programs.

Also, the Feskov Human Reproduction Group meets the needs of busy people who dream of becoming parents but are not able to visit Ukraine and take part in long-term medical programs. Thanks to our remote programs, all you need is to give the biomaterial, and after a while come for your child. So if the pandemic has violated your plans to become parents - feel free to return to them, the clinic takes care of all the trouble.

Ask the manager on our website about our programs - start the path to parenthood now. Please leave your replay or suggestions on the comment box. 

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