Assess your Medical Condition before Taking Hospital Beds on Rentals

Aug 16, 2021

Any person can suffer from any kind of mobility issues varying from cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and neurological. Based on the kind of issues, he or she requires special kind of medical bed for alleviating pain, getting relief from comfort and recovering fast. Due to increasing health cost, people cannot afford keeping their loves ones in the hospitals for the long duration, therefore they take hospital bed on rentals so that their loved ones heal quickly in home environment.

The three most popular choices available in hospital beds are as follows:

  1. Manual Beds: These beds have hand cranks for adjusting the height of the bed and lowering and raising the foot and the head. Such kinds of bed are suitable for those people who have good physical strength to operate the crank. These beds are the least expensive and even hospital bed rentals are the lowest.
  2. Semi-Electric Beds: These beds are comfortable to operate than manual beds as they are fitted with an electric motor. The motor lowers and raises the foot and head parts of the bed with a click of a button. But a person needs to adjust the height of the bed manually with the help of a hand crank.
  3. Fully-Electric Beds: As the name indicates, these beds are fully-electrical and easy to operate with the push of a button. Whether you want to adjust the height of the bed or want to raise the head part, everything is possible with a push of button. Some models of fully-electric beds are easy to adjust in different positions such as cardiac chair, Trendelenburg and reverse Trendelenburg. It is a no-brainer to guess that the prices of these beds are the most expensive and so are their rentals.

So, evaluate your needs carefully before taking any hospital beds on a rental basis. Prefer contacting a reputed online store to get the quality product at the best rates.


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