Are the Transsexuals on TSDates Prostitutes?

Posted by Zoila M.
Jan 11, 2018

TSDates is one of the most successful dating platforms related to dating transsexuals. With a user base that is steadily growing, TSDates is beginning to generate a lot of interest. With such levels of increased popularity comes additional scrutiny. A common question that circulates about the site is, "are the Transsexuals on TSDates Prostitutes?" That is what we will try to answer in this article.


In the past, if you made the choice to transition into a different gender, finding a job afterward proved to be difficult. The social environment was not yet keen on accepting transsexuals in the workplace. This is why many who lived a transexual lifestyle were often left with no other choice but to work in the sex industry — some as prostitutes. This whole situation helped to increase the prejudice against transsexuals even further.


In the present day, things have changed for the better. The social environment regarding transexuals has become one of inclusion. A member of the transgender community can now work anywhere and is protected by labor law. This acceptance by society, in general, has made the painful decisions taken by many transsexuals in the past no longer necessary. The sex industry is no longer the only viable option for employment. They can now live their lifestyle openly free of stigmatization.


This is exactly what happens on On this site, you are going to find fine and upstanding members of the transgender community — not prostitutes. There might be a few cases of prostitution — as on any dating site, including hetero sites — but that is against the rules of the site and their accounts are removed immediately.


If you are curious about dating a member of the transsexual community you should not fear sites such as TSDates. These sites follow the same rules of conduct as traditional dating sites. It is in TSDates' best interest to keep their dating platform fun and safe. In a way, TSDates might be even safer and more honest than general dating sites.

In short, on TSDates you will find normal people, leading normal lives, desirous of finding a partner. It is as plain and simple as that.

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