Application Localization: Grow Beyond The Borders

Posted by Vishal Ahmad
Sep 21, 2018

The world has become a global village, with the help of the digital explosion. The boundaries have shrunk the limitations of distance-related communication barriers, hence bringing everyone together, and opening numerous opportunities.

The domain of Mobile apps has witnessed even more startling growth. 90% of the activity occurring on these smart devices occur within the apps, clearly stating the dynamics of your audience. With Mobile app stores serving a global audience, it is quite possible that your next potential app download might come from different geographical location with varied culture and language.

Serving a global idea is the ideal achievement for any great app. But the main question that stands in the way is – Is your app global-ready? Can it penetrate the spheres and shield created through cultural and regional differences? If you want to answer affirmatively, App localization is something you should sink your teeth in, and that too deeply.

The process of customization of mobile apps in order to fit with diverse cultures and languages, other than the default, is known as Application Localization. This customization is a phenomenal method of scaling your business to new demographics and attracting audiences from different culture to increase your overall downloads, and strengthen growth.

Now, you must be pondering – Is app localization that important? Well, in that case, a study conducted to measure the response and impact of App Translations indicated a whopping 128% growth in app downloads per country, after conducting the process of App Localization.

Thus, it becomes quite imperative for growth and scalability to transcend mobile apps into these uncharted territories to explore connections, revenues and new leads from them. In order to undertake App Localization, the code of the app needs to be internalized, i.e. made flexible in order to aid the localization process.

Once the code becomes adaptive, the process is streamlined to aid the translation of content, context, testing and further deployment. Most importantly, mere translation is not the key to generate a localized app. Numbers, currency, keyword usage, symbols, colors – all play a significant role in carving out a niche in another region of enthusiasts. People enjoy these apps more significantly if they are deployed in their native language, which is why App localization is a hot trend.

So, if you are looking for an able App Localization company, we at Cuttingedge ranslation Services ensure that your target audience is determined, and your agenda is culturally adaptive, to suit your business needs, and cater to the diverse audience.

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