African print accessories are the perfect addition to your wardrobe

Posted by Vivek Choudhary
Dec 11, 2019

The continent of African accessories is extremely diverse, and as we look at its history of jewelry making, it can be helpful to consider the land in terms of three regions. Saharan region of the north, the Equatorial region, and the Savannah region that separates the two. These regions are especially different from one another because of their differences in climate, and climate has everything to do with the materials used to make jewelry.

North Africa is covered by the Sahara, the largest desert in the world. These infertile gravel plains are home to the nomadic Berbers Tuaregs and Moors  who weather freezing temperatures at night and sizzling temperatures during the day. Because the desert is so dry there are very few materials available to make jewelry but adornment is still a big part of society and these people use materials from animal skins and from trade to fashion fascinating pieces.

The Berbers are believed to have been the original inhabitants of African accessories. Invasions by the Carthaginians Greeks Romans Goths and finally Arabs in 684 AD affected the culture of the Berbers – they converted to Islam, for example – but through it all they retained their own language and ethnic traditions. Berbers inhabit the Atlas mountain ranges and the oases of the northern desert cities. They wear draped clothing, held with metal brooches and fabric belts


is a way of saving money  and usually the power in this respect is given to women if she has been gifted a piece of jewelry it is hers absolutely and she may sell an ornament to buy something else or to provide for her family even to buy land. Jewelry is like an investment in this culture  and the women are something like bankers building up their collection of jewelry from childhood. Berber women prefer jewelry that is made for them personally. Many pieces are melted down and remade into new jewelry. It is rare to find antique pieces.

Gold is considered bad luck in Tuareg and Berber culture. In fact, the Prophet Mohammed disapproved of gold jewelry for men, but wore silver jewelry himself, and so by his example, men began to wear silver. Despite the fact that women are allowed to wear gold, silver is the most common metal used in this region.

Berber pieces may be made with niello-work, enamel, engraving, repousse, and semi-precious stones. Some of their techniques – including cloisonné and filigree – are derivative of African accessories cultures with whom the Berbers came in contact  and pieces rendered through these methods still summon up images of that period.

Berbers wear head ornaments, earrings, pendants, necklaces, rings, brooches, bracelets, and anklets. The earrings are enormous, and women generally wear many of the pieces that they own at all times. A Berber woman might wear a necklace African accessories composed of a central amulet, flanked by silver balls with cloisonné enamel, separated by clusters of  pate de verre, shells, and silver coins. Certain stones are chosen for medicinal properties at times as well – for example is considered by Tuaregs to heal wounds and relieve cramps.

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