Speaking In Tongues Seminar: Secrets To Connection With God & The Holy Spirit
A truly fulfilling spiritual experience and living, breathing testimony is all about channeling the higher power of God and his Holy Spirit. But how do you invite that kind of interaction with God? The inspiring Vince Baker and his ministry team have lots of great insights into the role that speaking in tongues plays in bringing faith to life.
Check out Vince Baker Ministries' latest seminar on the power of pentecostal glossolalia and learn the secrets to a closer relationship with God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZIQR_q2Lto&t=23s
Personal Prayer Language
The talk, available via the Vince Baker Ministries website and its YouTube channel, explains how you can use the medium of speaking in tongues as a form of personal prayer language.
Deeper Communion With God
Vince discusses how speaking in tongues is an act of faith and central to praying through the Holy Spirit to communicate with God. Prayer, he explains, is an essential element of the Christian life because, without it, God will not intercede in earthly matters. He underlines how speaking in tongues opens up a deeper level of communication with God through prayer, allowing him to act through you and extend his kingdom on earth.
Power Prayer
Vince describes speaking in tongues as a kind of 'power prayer', helping you elevate your being beyond the limits of the flesh and build a resistance to temptation and sin. He says, “I guarantee you anyone speaking in tongues on a regular basis is not living in sin. It's not possible. You can't do the two at the same time. It draws wisdom from your spirit into your mind.”
The Mysteries Of God
He also points out that you may not always understand exactly what you are saying or the higher purpose at work. Vince attributes this to the mysteries of God. He suggests, when speaking in tongues, you might not know if you're speaking to God or praying for someone in need. In this way, you're being used as a kind of vessel for divine power. Learn more at https://vincebakerministries.com/
Disconnection From God
Without speaking in tongues, Vince suggests, your ministry and witness are disconnected from God. He says, “Many ministers and many Christians get burned out because they're not speaking in tongues enough. This is the secret to getting the word of God and the Bible activated in your life.” Vince also explains how a lack of interpretation and development of this language renders the experience less meaningful and useful for followers of God, as stated by the apostle Paul in the New Testament.
Physiological & Psychological Benefits
Vince also points to a study from the American Journal of Biology that suggested that speaking in tongues is associated with reduced circulatory issues and increased enzyme activity which are the biomarkers of stress. Further sociological studies reveal that those who speak in tongues carry themselves and communicate more confidently.
Want to experience this God-derived confidence for yourself? Explore the amazing resources available via the Vince Baker Ministries website.
To listen to the talk in full, and for more info, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZIQR_q2Lto&t=23s