Ground Mount Solar Racks: Gain The Competitive Advantage For Home Installs

Posted by PRC Agency
Dec 11, 2024

You know, once, I had to install a ground-mounted solar panel for a couple who wouldn’t even let us walk on the lawn, let alone get the machinery through that we needed to prepare the site. Nightmare! But now even the most difficult of homeowner installations can go smoothly with Nuance Energy’s earth anchor systemwhich gives me the competitive advantage!

Reduced costs, small site footprint, no heavy machinery needed, and rigorously tested for safety — find out why Nuance Energy’s earth anchor racking technology is saving solar installers both time and money at   

What Makes Nuance Energy Different?

Traditionally, residential ground-based solar installation projects were problematic, relying on costly and time-consuming site surveys, concrete piling, machinery, and a specialist workforce. Not to mention trying to negotiate with homeowners on that age old argument of aesthetics versus practicality — always more of an issue on small-scale installs.

However, the patented earth anchor technology from Nuance Energy has changed this! 

An easy-to-install metal anchor and tether cable combined with a rack that takes only 3 workers using handheld tools to install? Sounds too good to be true. But, the reduction in labor, elimination of heavy equipment, and rapid deployment capabilities make this earth anchor system one of the most cost-efficient solutions on the market

Fast, Easy Installation

Nuance Energy’s pre-kitted Osprey PowerRACK® can be mobilized and installed in a single day. Yes, you read that right. Say goodbye to those lengthy project delays! This system can be completed up to four times faster than traditional ground-mounted solar installs. 

So you can see why all of this (combined with the elimination of any heavy machinery or extensive site preparations) makes the system highly attractive for solar installations on homeowner sites.

Save Big On Cost Per Watt

Minimal disruption and speed of installation are clear advantages in Nuance Energy’s favor; however, the primary competitive advantage of their earth anchor system is in the reduction of cost per watt for the installation

Did you know that by adopting Nuance Energy’s racking systems, costs could be reduced to an average of just $0.025/W for a residential solar project install? Now that’s a saving!

Let’s put that in real terms. In residential projects, you might see a total project cost of $60,000, and your portion of that might be around $8,000, primarily in materials. Scaling up for commercial projects, the total project size might range from $10,000 to $1 million! But Nuance Energy’s system keeps costs per watt consistently low by minimizing labor and equipment expenses.

With Nuance Energy’s patented earth anchor system, you can install more, faster, and for less without compromising on safety or quality. Find out how you can gain a competitive edge with Nuance Energy at 

Nuance Energy Group Inc City: Phoenix Address: 2252 North 23rd Drive Website: Phone: +1 877 537 2221
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