Web pages are made through the hypertext markup language that is commonly referred to as the HTML.
HTML tags are the simplest building block of HTML. All of them along play certain parts in making or constructing the web page.
The tags are crucial to the actual creation of the Web page and each of them has a specific function on its own.
This is in regard to the various forms of tags that are available in the HTML language.
1. Structural Tag:
HTML: The stands for Hyper Text Markup Language element that encloses the entire HTML document structure.
Head: It is applied in adding a CSS file or Script. It also contains extra information, including a page title and any character encoding which may be designated to the HTML file.
Body: This element has the purpose of providing the entire text of a page in web environment.
Header: It comprises the prints of the company, website or tabs that allow the user to search for the content she or he is looking for.
Nav: It has links such as Home/ start, Portfolio, About Us, among others.
Main: This is the part of the web page where the main content of the site is penned down. It is also the most crucial section of the page most especially in internet marketing.
Section: It helps arrange the related content in a certain category so that it will not be difficult to search for whenever the content is required.
Article: It establishes an article or a piece content as a complete and closed entity.
Aside: It contains the footer information and sometimes contains copyright information and contact information among others.
2. Text Formatting Tags
H1 to H6: These are used for heading and they include the basic elements of html. The h1 is the largest in size and h6 is the relatively smaller in size to the total content written in each of the headings.
P: Describes the meaning of a paragraph of text.
br: Now it is used to create one line space in the web page.
Strong: It is used to display text as bold form of text.
em: As its suggests it is used to make the text to appear in the form of ‘Italics’.
Mark: Previously applied to draw attention to texts and call attention to them in some way.
 : It is used to give an asterisk space this is one world space between two other symbol or any other item.