Top Five Mobile Advertising Strategies for the Politicians of the USA

Posted by Buana Sari
Sep 4, 2024

In the early 2000s, political campaigns heavily relied on traditional media and in-person events to reach voters. Today, however, the landscape has transformed dramatically with the rise of mobile advertising. According to a Pew Research Center survey conducted from May 19 to September 5, 2023, an overwhelming 95% of US adults use the internet, 90% own a smartphone, and 80% have high-speed internet at home. With nine in ten US adults going online every day, the internet—and particularly mobile devices—has become a central hub of daily life. This shift has profound implications for how political campaigns are conducted, especially in the realm of mobile advertising.

The 2024 US presidential election is a pivotal moment where politics and mobile ad tech converge like never before. Mobile advertising is expected to play a critical role in how both the Democratic and Republican parties, as well as their leading candidates, engage with voters in more personalized and impactful ways. The stakes are higher than ever, with political ad spending in the United States projected to reach an unprecedented USD 10.2 billion, up from USD 8.9 billion in the 2022 midterms, according to Statista. This surge reflects the growing financial demands on candidates who aim to effectively connect with voters through targeted mobile advertising.

Already, the 2024 election cycle has seen USD 307.61 million spent on political ads, a staggering 152% increase from the same point in the 2020 cycle. This explosive growth is largely driven by digital and mobile advertising, which is projected to jump by 156% over 2020, reaching USD 3.46 billion. Mobile advertising platforms are now expected to capture 28.1% of total political ad spending, nearly double the share from 2020. This trend underscores the critical role that mobile advertising strategies will play in engaging a tech-savvy US electorate.

Advertising platforms, particularly Meta’s, are at the forefront of this mobile advertising revolution in the United States. Political ad spending on ad networks is forecasted to reach USD 605 million in 2024, an 86.7% increase from 2020. Meta’s platforms, especially Facebook, are projected to dominate this space, with spending expected to hit USD 568.7 million, up from USD 305.7 million in 2020. These figures highlight the significance of social media and mobile advertising in modern campaigns, where targeted ads and personalized content can significantly sway voter behavior.

Google, too, is poised for a major boost in political ad revenues, with projections exceeding $553.2 million in 2024—a staggering 215.1% increase from 2020. The rise of connected TV (CTV) and the growing popularity of YouTube political ads are key drivers of this growth, offering campaigns new avenues to engage voters through compelling video and mobile advertising content.

Amid this mobile ad tech surge, moLotus Election Promo Service is emerging as a game-changer for the 2024 US elections. This mobile video customer interaction platform offers personalized, interactive, and spam-free mobile video interactions, enhancing campaign effectiveness through instant lead generation and automated campaign management. moLotus has already proven its ability to engage voters and boost turnout in the United States, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Singapore, and beyond, making it a powerful tool in mobile advertising for elections.

As political ad spending is projected to increase by 30% from 2020, with digital and mobile media expected to account for 28% of the spending in the 2024 political season, now is the time for candidates to refine their mobile advertising strategies. A significant portion of these digital and mobile budgets will likely be allocated to Over-the-Top (OTT) ads, second only to traditional TV, offering candidates a constant presence in voters’ lives across multiple devices.

For example, the Biden campaign has already outspent the Trump campaign by more than 3:1 on digital and mobile ads, illustrating the shift from traditional TV ads to digital and mobile platforms. These data points make it clear that the landscape of political campaigns in the US is rapidly evolving. The shift towards digital and mobile advertising strategies is no longer just a trend but a necessity for candidates, advertisers, agencies, and resellers aiming to maximize their campaign outreach and impact.

With the election just months away, it’s crucial to understand and implement the top five mobile advertising strategies that can drive success in the 2024 US elections.

1. Dominate the Nationwide Landscape with Targeted Mobile Outreach

As the 2024 U.S. elections approach, the battleground is increasingly shifting to mobile screens, where ensuring maximum reach and precise targeting can make or break a campaign.

In the highly competitive US elections, political advertisers must prioritize reaching the right audience quickly and with pinpoint accuracy. Mobile advertising's power lies in its ability to connect campaigns with specific voter demographics, ensuring that every message counts.

Meta Ads is at the forefront of this effort, utilizing extensive user data to create highly targeted ad campaigns. By segmenting audiences based on demographics, interests, political affiliations, and online behavior, Meta delivers personalized ad experiences that resonate with individual voter segments. This approach ensures that campaign messages are not only seen but also impactful, fostering a deeper connection with voters.

moLotus offers a unique edge in mobile advertising by delivering campaign messages directly to voters' mobile inboxes without the need for costly data plans or app installations. This technology ensures nationwide reach, including in areas with limited or no internet access. moLotus's customization features helps advertisers to tailor campaigns according to specific communities, location, demographics, intererests, etc. enhancing voter engagement. This direct and personalized approach is crucial for maximizing voter outreach and influence.

TikTok is another powerful tool, especially for reaching younger voters. The platform's algorithm excels at identifying user interests and serving relevant, engaging, and often viral content. By leveraging TikTok’s shareable nature, campaigns can enhance organic reach and foster greater voter interaction, making it a potent tool for capturing the attention of younger demographics who are increasingly influential in elections.

Google Ads employs sophisticated algorithms to target voters based on their search queries, browsing behavior, and YouTube interactions. This multi-touchpoint strategy not only increases message retention but also ensures that campaign messages are seen across various online activities. Google’s ability to follow voters through their digital journey makes it a crucial component in any mobile advertising strategy, helping campaigns maintain a constant presence in voters' lives.

By integrating these mobile advertising strategies, election campaigns can achieve maximum reach and precise targeting, ensuring their messages resonate with voters and drive success in the 2024 US elections.

2. Winning Votes with Personalized Mobile Ads

In the high-stakes arena of the 2024 U.S. elections, personalization isn't just another strategy—it's the key to winning hearts and minds. Voters today are bombarded with messages from every direction, making it essential for campaigns to stand out. Generic messaging simply won’t cut it anymore. To truly connect with voters, campaigns must deliver tailored content that speaks directly to individual experiences and concerns.

Personalized political communication (PPC) transforms voter engagement from passive reception to active connection, ensuring that every dollar spent resonates on a deeper level. This approach shifts voter interactions from mere glances to meaningful, impactful exchanges.

One of the most powerful tools in this space is moLotus, which excels in delivering highly personalized mobile video messages directly to voters' inboxes. These 40-second videos are customized with voters' names, preferences, and even addresses, making each message feel personal and relevant. By tapping into telecom subscriber data, moLotus ensures that these personalized touches significantly boost engagement rates, turning voter interest into action. As a result, advertisers and resellers around the world are increasingly choosing moLotus to power their ad campaigns.

Similarly, Google Ads harnesses the power of data to tailor ad content based on voters' online behavior, including search queries, browsing habits, and YouTube interactions. This data-driven approach aligns campaign messages with voter interests, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

Meta Ads, through platforms like Facebook and Instagram, leverage vast amounts of user data to craft personalized ad experiences. By targeting specific demographics and political affiliations, these ads drive higher engagement, although their reach is generally confined to users within the platform's ecosystem.

By utilizing these mobile advertising platforms, political campaigns can deliver deeply personalized content that not only engages voters but also encourages thoughtful consideration. Ultimately, this approach can lead to greater voter participation and success at the polls.

3. Mobilizing Voter Interaction

Capturing voter attention isn’t just about visibility—it’s about creating meaningful mobile interactions. As mobile advertising platforms evolve, so do the expectations of voters who now seek more than just passive content. They want to engage, participate, and connect instantly. For advertisers and resellers, the key to cutting through the noise lies in integrating interactive elements into mobile advertising strategies. This approach not only amplifies voter engagement but also deepens the impact of election campaigns in today’s fiercely competitive advertising landscape.

Meta Ads is leading the charge with a variety of interactive tools, from polls and quizzes to live videos that invite voters to be part of the mobile conversation. These formats foster active participation and offer real-time insights, although staying ahead of algorithm changes and privacy regulations is critical to maintaining their effectiveness.

moLotus boosts voter engagement by facilitating to voter interaction through features such as SMS, calls backs, mgram, URL clicks, and USSD. moLotus enables voters to immediately respond to campaign messages, sign up for events, or access campaign websites—all without requiring an internet connection. This immediate, frictionless interaction drives higher engagement and fosters stronger voter relationships.

Google Ads provides another layer of interaction with formats such as click-to-call and mobile video ads that include embedded links. These features allow voters to engage on their terms, whether by making a quick call or visiting a campaign site. However, these interactions rely on internet access and can be costly due to the platform’s competitive nature.

By embracing these interactive mobile advertising strategies, political campaigns can not only attract but actively involve voters in the 2024 election process. Among the available platforms, moLotus stands out for its ability to offer direct and impactful voter interactions, providing a crucial edge for advertisers and resellers looking to maximize their campaign’s reach and influence.

4. Boost Voter Awareness with Mobile Ads

As the elections draw near, the stakes are higher than ever for election campaigns. Establishing a strong political brand and ensuring maximum visibility are no longer just goals—they are necessities. In this competitive landscape, mobile advertising has emerged as a crucial tool for gaining voter support and loyalty. By strategically leveraging mobile advertising platforms like Google Ads, moLotus, and Meta Ads, campaigns can significantly enhance their reach and impact.

Google Ads plays a pivotal role in boosting campaign visibility on mobile devices through targeted search engine marketing (SEM) and its expansive display network. For political campaigns, this means capturing the interest of voters who are actively seeking information online. However, standing out in the crowded digital space requires more than just presence—it demands top-tier, keyword-optimized content that captures attention and drives engagement.

moLotus delivers unique election exposure and awareness campaigns directly to voters' mobile inboxes. The moLotus awareness campaign messages remain in the voters’ mobile inboxes until voluntarily deleted by them thus triggering more visibility. With moLotus, consistent branding leads to stronger voter recognition and recall, essential factors for increasing turnout and participation.

Meta Ads, operating through platforms like Facebook and Instagram, further amplifies brand presence with targeted mobile advertising campaigns. By leveraging detailed user data, campaigns can precisely target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring that messages resonate with the right audience. Interactive formats such as video ads, carousel ads, and sponsored posts enhance brand exposure and voter interaction. However, it's important to navigate challenges like algorithm changes, privacy concerns, and evolving ad policies that could impact campaign reach and effectiveness.

By harnessing the power of these mobile advertising platforms, advertisers and political candidates can solidify their campaign’s brand, ensuring that their messages resonate with voters and lead to greater awareness and loyalty in the elections.

5. Crafting Content That Connects

Experts closely observing the 2024 election marketing trends in the US, say that the ability to create compelling mobile advertising content will be a decisive factor in campaign success. US voters today are inundated with information, making it essential for campaigns to produce engaging, emotionally resonant content that captures attention and drives action. Whether it’s videos, infographics, or blogs, the quality and relevance of content will determine how effectively a campaign can connect with voters.

For US advertisers and political candidates, maintaining a consistent content calendar filled with rich media is crucial. Rich media ads, known for their higher engagement rates, are particularly effective in mobile advertising, which plays a central role in modern political ad campaigns. According to Celtra, mobile-based rich media ads achieve an average engagement rate of 12.8 percent, highlighting their power in voter interaction and persuasion.

Platforms like moLotus offer advertisers and resellers a robust toolkit for maximizing the impact of rich media content. Experts have observed that moLotus offers extraordinary story-telling features by providing a variety of rich media formats such as videos, greetings, brochures, slideshows, and showcases. Advertisers can add product pictures, voice-overs, and music, creating election ads in the form of attractive storyboards and videos that are delivered to voter’s inboxes. These election ads are cost-effective, interactive, and engaging.

On platforms like Facebook and Instagram, rich media content such as video ads, carousel ads, and interactive posts can further amplify voter engagement. Live videos and stories, in particular, offer real-time interaction, allowing campaigns to foster a stronger connection with their audience. However, it’s important to note that algorithm changes and privacy concerns on these platforms may affect the reach and effectiveness of these ads.

Google Ads also provides opportunities to harness the power of rich media through its extensive display network, including animated banners, mobile video ads, etc. These visually compelling formats are essential for delivering impactful campaign messages. YouTube, a part of Google’s ecosystem, offers an additional avenue for longer, more detailed voter communication through mobile video ads, although challenges such as ad blockers and increased competition can pose obstacles.

By effectively utilizing the rich media formats offered by mobile advertising tools, politicians and advertisers can craft a comprehensive digital campaign strategy that not only boosts voter turnout but also shapes public opinion in the elections.


The top five mobile advertising strategies—targeted reach, personalization, instant interaction, brand awareness, and rich media content—are crucial for a successful 2024 political campaign. Politicians and campaign managers should integrate these strategies into their election plans to maximize voter engagement and impact. As mobile advertising continues to evolve in the United States, staying ahead of the curve will be essential for winning forthcoming elections.

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