8 Types of Mental Disorders You Must Know

Posted by Veraaj Verma
Oct 11, 2016
Apart from the physical fitness issues which throw you on the bed for a while, there are some other medical illnesses which can be far more dangerous and something which can trouble lifelong! Mental Disorders are a form of mental illness which can be divided into further categories.
According to World Health Organization, one in four people in the world will get affected by mental or neurological disorders once in the lifetime. Nearly 450 million are already suffering from the same. It can be said as the leading cause of ill-health and disability worldwide.

8 Types of Mental Disorders :

1. Anxiety Disorder - People with anxiety disorders face issues while reacting to things. Some may panic and start sweating, some may feel anxiety when things don’t go their way. The responses of the person may not seem normal and it may hamper the well-being.

2. Mood Disorder - They are also called affective disorders, it involves a strong feeling of sadness or happiness with other conditions like extreme anger or panic. The mood changes quickly and the person starts experiencing the extreme of all the emotions.

3. Psychotic Disorder - It involves distorted awareness and thinking in which a person starts hearing voices or seeing images which are just the result of his imagination and not real but, the person accepts it to be true.

4. Depression - It is also a kind of mental disorder in which a person loses interest in pursuing the daily activities and being the normal self. The person stays in trauma eliminating every positive aspect of his life.

5. Personality Disorders - People with Personality disorders develop abnormal personality traits which can affect the person at work, home and every activity he performs. The actions become quite contradicting to the society rules and results in abnormalities in the personality traits.

6. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - People with OCD are generally obsessed with different kinds of fear and feel disturbed with normal activity and routine. For example, a person may feel dirt all around and was his hands every other moment.

7. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - People with this disorder experience haunting feelings after a disturbing event. For example, a person may stay in trauma after the death of their loved one, facing a sexual assault. People may develop frightening thoughts about the event and keep themselves isolated.

8. Eating Disorders - Eating disorders involve extreme emotions, attitudes, and behaviors involving weight and food. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder are the most common eating disorders.

The treatments for the following may differ according to the disorder faced. Doctor’s help is needed in every disorder experienced. The treatments involve medications, therapies, and other psychiatric help. Stay Healthy and Mentally strong!
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