70-576 practice question | 70-576 practice exam | 70-576 practice test (Apr 2016)
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Update 70-576 Simple Questions Latest Practice Test Questions VCE PDF Dumps
Qustion No. 1
You are designing a SharePoint 2010 application that stores information about each machine in a factory. This information includes an inventory of parts, the machine’s maintenance history, and a document library of repair manuals for each machine in Microsoft Word format. The application must:
•Establish links between the factory machine data, the machine part inventory, the maintenance history, and the repair manuals to allow the display of additional fields from the other lists.
.Enforce relational integrity between the data to create custom views for various business users.
.Allow nontechnical users to update the individual list data and views, as well as to update the manuals.
.Enforce relationships that allow cascade deletes of items from the machine parts list when items are deleted from the machine list, but prevent data in the machine parts list from being orphaned. You need to design a data access plan that meets all these requirements and allows all data to be managed within the SharePoint 2010 system.
Which plan should you recommend?
A. Create tables in Microsoft SQL Server for each set of inventories. Create relationships with primary and foreign keys linking the tables. Use Business Connectivity Services (BCS) to connect SharePoint 2010 lists to these tables to manage the data.
B. Create tables in Microsoft SQL Server for each set of inventories. Create relationships with primary and foreign keys linking the tables. Store machine part manuals in a SharePoint document library and use event receivers to synchronize data in the lists and libraries.
C. Use SharePoint 2010 lists and document libraries to store data. Create relationships using lookup fields and relationship joins between the lists and document libraries.
D. Use SharePoint 2010 lists and document libraries to store data. Create a custom workflow to update information in the lists and document libraries.
Answer: C
Qustion No. 2
You are designing a SharePoint 2010 intranet site at your company. The accounting department has designed a SharePoint list. They need this list to be included in any new site that is created by using the Team Site site definition provided by SharePoint. A feature has been created that provisions the list in a site. You need to satisfy the request from the accounting department, while reducing the risk that future SharePoint service pack updates will impact your solution. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Modify the Team Site onet.xml file. Add the feature to the Web Features element in the onet.xml file.
B. Modify the Team Site onet.xml file. Add the feature to the Site Features element in the onet.xml file.
C. Create an event handler and register it with the Web Adding event. Activate the feature in the event handler.
D. Create an event handler and register it with the Web Provisioned event. Activate the feature in the event handler.
Answer: D
Qustion No. 3
You are planning security for a SharePoint 2010 intranet site. A sub site for the human resources (HR) department contains a list of salary information. All the HR department employees are in an Active Directory (AD) group named SharePoint HR. The SharePoint HR AD group has been granted Read access to the sub site.
You have the following requirements:
•Access to the list should be handled only through the HR department group.
.The group membership of the AD HR group should be used to specify the site permissions.
.The department’s administrative assistant should not have access to view the salary list.
You need to ensure that permissions are configured on the sub site to meet these requirements. Which plan should you recommend?
A. Remove the assistant from the SharePoint HR AD group. Give the assistant individual Read access to the site.
Modify the salary list permissions, removing the assistant from the list.
B. Modify the salary list permissions, explicitly denying the assistant Read access to the salary list.
C. Modify the salary list permissions, remove the SharePoint HR group from the list of users and groups who have been granted any sort of access to the list. Grant each employee of the HR department individual Read access to the salary list, with the exception of the assistant.
D. Modify the salary list permissions, explicitly denying the SharePoint HR group Read access to the salary list.
Grant each employee of the HR department individual Read access to the salary list, with the exception of the assistant.
Answer: A
Qustion No. 4
Your company uses a third-party service to host its SharePoint 2010 site. The hosting service requires all sites to be sandboxed and uses forms-based authentication (FBA). You are asked to integrate the customer relationship management (CRM) data that is stored within your company’s domain into the SharePoint site. The CRM data is trimmed based on the user token and is made accessible via Web services. You need to display the CRM data in the correct way for each user token. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Connect to the CRM system using Business Connectivity Services (BCS) with Windows Credentials set as the authentication mode. Use the Secure Store Service to map FBA credentials to domain credentials.
B. Connect to the CRM system using BCS with Pass-Through set as the authentication mode. Use the Secure Store Service to map FBA credentials to domain credentials.
C. Connect to the CRM system using BCS with RevertToSelf set as the authentication mode. Use the Secure Store Service to map FBA credentials to domain credentials.
D. Prompt users for their domain credentials and make a call to the web services using these domain credentials.
Answer: A
Qustion No. 5
You are designing a SharePoint 2010 feature. The feature includes a feature receiver that executes code on activation and deactivation. The feature receiver code interacts with a Web service, which could cause errors beyond your control. You need to ensure that the feature does not activate or deactivate if the Web service causes an error. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Wrap your code in a try-catch block. Log the error and issue another request to the Web service in the catch block.
B. Wrap your code in a try-catch block. Log the error and throw an exception in the catch block.
C. Wrap your code in a try-catch block. Only catch exceptions of type SPException.
D. Wrap your code in a try-finally block. Log any issues your code encounters in the finally block.
Answer: B
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