7 Features Of Wood Burning Cook Stove That Makes Life Easier

Posted by Alban Jems
May 25, 2016
The old people’s nostalgia can be understood after having seen the wood burning stove for a while and why not? It has so many memories attached to them at the old times, especially when modern ways of cooking food hadn’t evolved. But, time has flown past and the modern technologies have taken over with the wood burning cook stove only to get it better in all aspects. The fuels and stoves used in the past weren’t effective to a very great extent, but helped with food preparation. After a prolific research on these stove types and engineered invasion, the appliance was renewed.

Any incredible features with this wood cook stove?

Precisely, it has not one, but many features to showcase. Earlier, the smoke erupting out of the fire had to affect the human’s lungs and caused respiratory illnesses sometimes. Moreover, they weren’t actually friendly to the environment as well. Nevertheless, the modern wood cook stove has handled it well while maintaining some of the primitive features of the stove. Reading further would help in exploring more of those features.

1. Design & finish – What a center of attraction, the wood stove is. Indeed, this is what the people of modern 21st century tell when they look at the several innovative designs available in the marketplaces. Their reviews are justified because of the beauties created by modern manufacturing industries.

2. Wood box – Running a good search would help in finding the wood burning cook stove with a spacious and heavy duty cast iron wood box that makes thing simpler than ever. The strength and durability of such wood stoves must be checked by understanding their specifications. Wood boxes close to the cook tops heat up fast.

3. Air inlet – Given a profound addition, there are facilities to control the fire in the stove with an air inlet. Notably, this feature also impressed many of the senior citizens who found it highly useful.

4. Cook tops
– Over the internet, people can use the search engines to discover the various online websites where they offer wood burning stoves. Later on, one could search for the stoves that feature cook tops as per one’s convenience and other additions. The more number of cook tops allows simultaneous food preparation.

5. Oven – It would be interesting to see the reactions of people who find a wood cook stove with a spacious oven to bake the favorite dishes. This appliance is perfectly meeting all the needs of a small gathering at one go.

6. Ash pan – An ash pan is important to collect the ashes of the wood to keep the environment clean. But, it is also vital that the ash pan can be easily cleaned. Otherwise, it would be a nightmare for anyone.

7. Miscellaneous – Most of the innovative types of wood cook stove many other features, such as a water reservoir, practical lid handle, combustible walls, etc.

Now, it is the responsibility of the buyer to check, whether the wood stove has been clearly exempted from the EPA or Environmental Protection Agency or not.

About Author:-

Alban jems is a certified general contractor with years of experience in home remodeling projects. He recommends using a wood burning cook stove for better cooking and heating solutions. His reviews on different wood cook stove models help most buyers.

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