6 Things You Should Know About Akshaya Patra in Hyderabad

Posted by Akshaya Patra
Aug 29, 2016

“You can’t build a peaceful world on empty stomachs and human misery.” -- Dr. Norman Ernest Borlaug


Did you know that every 10 seconds we lose a child to hunger? Many NGOs are moving in this direction in order to fight off hunger. Akshaya Patra too rose up to the mission of the eradication of hunger at the grass root level.


Akshaya Patra is a Non-Profit Organisation which runs Mid-Day Meal Programme in government schools and government-aided primary schools for children. The Government of India and various state governments are supporting the organisation to accomplish its goal of feeding millions of children and building a healthy India. Many philanthropic donors have come forward and contributed to this charity for children. The foundation kept its first stone in Bengaluru in the year 2000 and till date it has 25 kitchens across 10 states in India including Telangana. It extended the NGO in Hyderabad by building a centralised kitchen in October 2008.


Here’s what you need to know about Akshaya Patra in Hyderabad.


1. The first footprints of the NGO in Hyderabad


Akshaya Patra in Hyderabad

With the vision “No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger,” Akshaya Patra propelled its branches to 10 states in India including the newly formed 29th state Telangana. It started its centralised kitchen unit in Hyderabad in the year 2008. The Akshaya Patra Kitchen prepares wholesome mid-day meals to government schools and Anganwadi children.


2. Supplying food to thousands of underfed children


Food delivery Vehicle

Akshaya Patra in Telangana currently feeds 62,020 children across 463 government schools and 25,768 Anganwadi children every day, through its centralised kitchen in Hyderabad. The NGO has its own 23 custom-made vehicles for the distribution of the mid-day meals to every classroom. Several generous supporters have contributed to Akshaya Patra’s programme of eliminating classroom hunger. It needs more hands to reach out to more children. You may choose to sponsor a child and take responsibility for providing him food and a healthy life.


3. Inside the Akshaya Patra’s kitchen


Centralized Kitchen

The Akshaya Patra’s centralised kitchen in Hyderabad is equipped with state-of-the-art machinery perfected to cook an enormous amount of food for thousands of children at the same time. Though the huge quantity of food is supplied to thousands of classrooms from the single kitchen, the NGO doesn’t compromise with the quality and required nutrition. Feeding the hungry isn’t their only motive; they supply hygienic food containing all the required nutrients to children to ensure a good health.


4. When a state-wide change began from Hyderabad


In order to serve its mission of feeding 5 million hungry children by the year 2020, Akshaya Patra started building its kitchen in several states of India including Telangana. The NGO built the state’s first centralised kitchen in Hyderabad and now undertakes this charity for children with support from philanthropic donors along with the support from the state and central government. Hunger hasn’t ended yet but has definitely been thwarted to a great extent and would be rooted out with more support.


5.  Recognition of Akshaya Patra’s work and its kitchen


Several authorities have visited Akshaya Patra's huge centralised kitchen equipped with technologically advanced machinery. Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation commissioner for the state visited the kitchen and appreciated the foundation’s endeavor of supplying cooked food to underfed children. The GHMC commissioner was moved by the dedication and efforts of the foundation towards changing the lives of children. Akshaya Patra is indebted to the state and the central government for their immense support.


6. Helping Hyderabad’s charity for children


Akshaya Patra needs more hands for continuing to work in Hyderabad. You may participate in the great cause and support it. You may choose to donate a little part of your income and take the responsibility of a child.

Sponsoring a child takes Rs 750 that is used to feed a child throughout the year. Besides, on donating Rs 500 or above to Akshaya Patra, you become eligible for 100% tax exemption.

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