6 Simple Tricks to make your Blog Popular

Posted by Manju Rai
Apr 29, 2016

There are Many Ways to make your blog stand out in Digital Marketing world, but today I am going to share some important tips and tricks which you can apply instantly to your blog. Although these are very simple one but still plays a major role in the ranking of a blog.

Here is the list of simple tricks, you can’t afford to ignore.

Tricks 1:

Design your Blog in unique way: The very first thing you need to do is to make a blog having unique design and cool look. Unique design always attracts users and forces them to spend their valuable time on the Blog.

Always try to follow the rule “First Impression is the last impression”. A good impression helps you to make a normal user your daily reader. It is the most effective way and easy too. It just requires planning and lots of creativity.


Trick 2:

Provide something valuable: The purpose of a blog is to give useful information to your audience, so always try to share valuable information through your blog. Unless you are providing something of value to your audience, why should anyone spend time visiting your blog? Be practical and honest to your audience rather than philosophical.

Share some real live examples as much as possible. Try to post some blog on trending topics. Blog with valuable content and trending topic will always get more attention.


Trick 3:

Find your target audience: No matter how valuable content you are going to create until and unless you won’t be able to share it with your target Audience. Before Publishing any content consider these things first:

a.       Who get the benefits from the contents?

b.      Where can you find your Audience?

To find the answers of above query visit your competitor’s blogs and find out backlinks and Emails on that blog with the help of tools like ahref. You will get the complete list of your target audience.

Trick 4:

Submit your blog to RSS feed and Blog directories:  There are ‘N’ numbers of communities that accept Blog submission. You can easily find out the list of top blog directories on Google. This will increase your readers and your Blog presence. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is another way to reach out to your readers. Submit your feed to feedburner like “Google Feedburner” and many more.

Trick 5:

Guest posting and Blog commenting: There are many sites that accepts guest posting with quality content. It is a very good source for generating Quality backlinks for your blog.

So give a try to guest posting also. Talking about Blog commenting, the first thing that you should keep in mind is that don’t spam while commenting on any site. Always try to give general comments.

Trick 6:

Use power of social Media: Social Media is a platform, where you can find limitless audience, All you need is a blog with attractive title and eye catching Image. A blog with great title and content will automatically get shared all over the web.


Conclusion: In short your blog starts with creativity of your mind and ends when you stop thinking. Always try to be simple, creative and honest. Treat your Audience like your baby and provide them with the best you can.


Suggestions & Tips :  Learn more about Digital marketing : http://dsim.in/blog/what-is-digital-marketing/

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