6 Signs That Your Solar Panels Need to Be Repaired

Posted by Alex Riley
Nov 22, 2022

Like most homeowners, you want to do everything you can to make your home more energy-efficient. One method to do this is by installing solar panels. Solar panels can help reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and may qualify you for tax breaks or other incentives. However, if your solar panels aren't working correctly, they're not doing you any good! This post will discuss six signs that your solar panels need to be repaired.

1. The Panel Has Become Discolored From Weather Conditions

Solar panels will become discolored due to weather conditions and general wear and tear. Call an expert residential solar panel repair in Santa Clara County if your panels are significantly discolored.

2. The Panel Is Cracked Or Damaged

There are many reasons why solar panel could be cracked or damaged. Perhaps it was hit by a falling tree branch or damaged in a severe storm. Regardless of the cause, if you see any cracks or damage to your solar panel, it's essential to repair it as soon as possible. Otherwise, water could enter the panel and cause further damage or even cause the panel to short-circuit.

3. The Panel Is Loose

If your solar panel is loose, it could fall off and become damaged. In addition, if the panel is not secured correctly, it may not be able to capture as much sunlight, which will reduce its power output. If you notice that your solar panel is loose, you should have it repaired as soon as possible. The best solar panel company in Santa Clara County will use tools like screws, brackets, and straps to ensure your panel is securely in place.

4. You’re Getting Less Energy Than What Was Quoted To You

Solar panel owners often find that they're getting less energy from their system than what was initially quoted to them. If you've noticed a significant dip in the energy your solar panels are producing, it could signify that something is wrong and needs to be fixed. Some reasons include damaged panels, broken inverters, or shading from trees or other objects.

If you've been noticing that your energy bills have been going up even though your solar panel usage hasn't changed, your system isn't working efficiently.

5. There Is Water Inside the Panel’s Casing

When water enters the casing, it can damage the solar panel’s cells and cause them to stop working. If you notice water inside your solar panel, it’s essential to have a professional take a look at it as soon as possible.

They will use equipment like a moisture meter to check the moisture level inside the panel and determine whether it can be repaired or if you need a new solar panel.

6. The Wiring System Is Damaged In Any Way

Finally, the wiring system that helps connect the solar panels can also get damaged. This is usually caused by animals chewing on the wires or severe weather conditions. If you notice any damage to the wiring, it's essential to have a professional take a look at it as soon as possible.


Whether you've just installed solar panels or been using them for a while, it's essential to know the signs that they may need to be repaired. Knowing these signs allows you to avoid potential problems and properly keep your solar panels working.

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