6 reasons why you should hire medical answering services

Posted by Kristen White
Apr 22, 2020
Doctors give countless hours treating patients, but their job doesn’t end when they close their doors for the day. Even after business hours and during weekends, they have to attend patients' calls and address to their emergencies. As a doctor, you are able to take a limited number of calls and the rest go to the voicemail. For every call you answer, there is a potentially urgent call on hold.

Weeding out, which call is important and which is not is really difficult and sometimes there is too much for you and your staff to handle.
Fortunately, now you don’t have to choose which call to answer. You can hire the best med answering service who will attend all the calls on your behalf and offer assistance to your patients. They will only forward those calls that are of utmost importance.

Apart from taking calls, here are other benefits you get when you hire medical answering services.

1. Save Money
During working hours, your staff spends most of the time answering the phone. Every minute spent on the call could have been used to do something more productive. Yes, you can hire additional staff, but it will cost you more compared to the medical answering services. This service is cheap and allows your staff to take care of other important tasks.
2. Protect Doctor’s Privacy and Personal Time
As a doctor, you barely get any time to relax or spend with your family. Either you are busy at the clinic or taking calls. Unfortunately, no one can control the timing of a medical emergency, which means you have to handle it even during your day off. But with medical answering services, you don’t have to worry about answering every single call, the call center will do that for you. The staff at the medical answering service reviews all the call and only forward those that are urgent, otherwise, they will take the message for the next day.
3. Decrease Hold Time
Just like you, patients also have a busy life. It is also possible that they are in need of your assistance immediately. As much as you would like to answer their call, there is a limit to how many call you can answer. With the med answering services, your patients will directly talk to the people at the call center, which practically eliminates wait time. They can talk to a professional who can listen, schedule or take messages for you. This results in high patient satisfaction level.
4. Meet HIPAA Requirements
As per the HIPPA guidelines, you cannot leak patient medical information. If the company you hire for answering service leak information, then you will be held accountable for the same. So, before you hire a med answering service, make sure they follow all the HIPPA rules and regulations.
5. Keep Irrefutable Records
When dealing with sensitive information, especially your patient's medical records, it is important to keep your practice safe. All the calls made through the call center are recorded and time-stamped, which provides an accurate and irrefutable record.
6. Increase Efficiency
By hiring the answering services, your staff has more time to focus on more important tasks. Every minute save by the call center can be used more productively, which increases the efficiency of your clinic that also helps save money.
A doctor deserves free time to relax and recover from a day of hard work just like any other professional. So, hire medical answering services today and ease your burden instantly.
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