5.5 Tips To Avoid Producing Mediocre Explainer Videos
A rising number of businesses, especially startups and small ones, are now making extensive use of explainer videos. They use these videos as tools to introduce their products, how to use them, and what’s in it for their customers.
However, some business owners erroneously believe that merely producing an explainer video and launching it to let it sit on their social media pages will eventually hatch out millions of conversions!
However, that belief is turned right down by a research study conducted at the University of Massachusetts.
Viewers will take up the first chance to browse away from an explainer video if it comes off as boring, if the page takes too long to load, or the content confuses them.
The unfortunate part is that a mediocre explainer video will not just lead to fewer conversions, but will eventually lead to your customers perceiving your brand as ‘boring’ - to the extent where they avoid interaction at all.
Here are 5.5 tips to avoid producing videos you regret creating in the first place:
#1- The Five Qualities Of A Successful Explainer Video
No matter what you do to make it standout, ultimately the perfect explainer video must have these 5 qualities:
i. It should match your brand personality (corporate, elegant, adventurous, etc.)
ii. It should convey the core message across with the right visuals
iii. It should be designed for a specific audience
iv. It should be along the lines of the expected outcome (looking for an ‘educate and inform’ video? Or an ‘awe and shock’ one?)
v. It should match your budget and not overshoot
An excellent example is this video from the leading corporate video production company 336 Productions.
#2-Should Address Your Intended Audience
Your explainer videos should directly address the people who are going to be using your product. Each and every viewer should feel the video is solely for them. If you have put in time and effort to identify your target market, you will know how to adjust your video tone and style to speak directly to your customers.
#3-Guide The Viewer’s Eye With Visual Elements
The sequence of events in your video should be coordinated and well planned out. The end result needn’t be expensive looking or flashy but should explain your product in a manner that the intended audience finds its way through it. The visual elements should:
· Not come off as cluttered
· Depict the essence of your story
· Be in line with the design elements of your brand
· Consist of subtle cues to guide the viewer’s eyes
#4- Make It Memorable
Stories that make the viewers laugh, resonate with them, and invoke feelings all have the ability to be memorable. If your explainer video hits any of these hot spots, it will add another 50 points to the chances of message retention.
To boost memorability:
· Add humor, especially if that goes with your brand personality
· Make it intensely relatable
· Talk about benefits, and not features
· Make it concise (60 seconds, tops)
#5- Add In A Professional Voiceover
While you really want to bring in someone who is known for his deep bass voice at the office to do a voiceover, it really pays to hire professional help.
Perfect audio can even make a mediocre production stand out. However, poor audio will make the video simply annoying to keep up with. For voiceovers, preferably pick someone who has a vocal personality that suits your brand.
#5.5- Bonus Tip
One of the common turnoffs for viewers is heaps of information in 60 seconds. We understand your product is your baby, and you want people to know about it.
You think it’s simply awesome, and it probably is. But a successful explainer video is not one that walks readers through the instructions manual, but one that only tells what the product can do for the customers - that too in the shortest, most concise way possible!
A quick breakdown - identify your message, address your target market, visualize your messages, don’t go for Bob from the marketing department for voiceovers, and above all, tell a story that connects your viewers to your brand!
If you are looking for some of the best explainer videos and other types of corporate videos, check out 336 Productions today.