5 Ways to Save Money While traveling Australia

Posted by IV S.
Mar 8, 2017

High expenditure becomes a major hindrance when you try to make plans of traveling across Australia. There are many reasons behind Australia being expensive. Firstly, it’s economy has been booming for the past few years. Secondly, the infrastructure here is vast and has been expanding at a rapid scale. Lastly, basic commodities are unaffordable for people living there or even the tourists for that matter. As per the statistics obtained from Tourism Australia website, there has been an increase of 11% in the visitor arrival rate in this country for the year 2016. It’s safe to assume the fact that Australia’s high expenses aren’t slowing down the growth of tourism. All you can do is plan your travel keeping in mind these important aspects:


·       Reduce airfare: Flight tickets for Australia do not come cheap, especially if you are traveling from the US or Europe! You can reserve the flight at least 6-8 months before you make the trip. There’s a chance you can get a good deal while purchasing the tickets if you book them in advance. There are multiple flights to Melbourne and Sydney which often offer discounts to travelers from Europe and America. It’s better to opt for such tickets instead of booking flights to the other cities of Australia. Lastly, research thoroughly over the internet instead of putting blind trust on some travel agent.

·        Go for hostel living: You can stay assured about the accommodation facilities in this country. Cities like Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, and Adelaide have plenty of well-equipped hostels for the tourists. You might frown when we speak of hostels thinking there might be a shabby and less spacious room. But, that’s not the case here, Australian hostels are comfortable and offer private rooms to global travelers. These rooms shall not only meet your budget, also provide you a chance to get to know people from other corners of the world.

·    Share or rent cars: Renting cars to visit different destinations in a city is economical. However, you can also share cabs with fellow tourists you come across in hostels or browse multiple websites to search other backpackers traveling towards a particular destination. There’s another option for travelers in terms of commuting, that is – campervan. You can rent a campervan and explore multiple cities in Australia without having to worry where you shall sleep.

·       Get international roaming sim card: Staying connected to family and friends is important while traveling. ISD call rates are expensive and not everyone can afford to pay for such calls. Instead, buy Australia sim card from a trusted telecom vendor before your trip. You have multiple roaming plans in such travel sim cards. They are mostly easy to get activated and not that expensive either! You can have a look at Roam1’s sim cards for international travel for getting a better idea. It’s been a popular telecom service provider throughout the globe.

Find inexpensive eating joints or buy food from supermarkets: Having meals at a lavish restaurant is not a good idea especially if you have a long vacation planned in Australia. Instead, go out for grocery shopping from supermarkets like the locals. You can also search for nearby restaurants where you can taste the ethnic cuisines at a lesser cost.    
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