5 Tips To Determine If Your Mobile App Needs A Major Update
App maintenance is as important as app development. Most of the times, developers release minor updates to the apps they have developed. These minor updates can be bug fixes, tweaks, polish, or perhaps an addition of small features here and there. Less often than not, your app requires a major update.
A major app update usually implies a new app version that features a brand new user interface (UI), an enhanced user experience (UX), a number of new features, etc. But how do you determine whether your app needs a major update? Thankfully, here are some ways that will help you recognize if your mobile app is due for a major update. Let’s take a look.
1. A New App Feature:
App feature is the easiest way to know if your app requires a major update. If you plan to add a specific feature that notably boosts user engagement and enhances the user experience, your app may need a major update. The significant changes in app features can include authentication, syncing across devices or different applications, social media collaboration, third-party API integration, or change in the revenue model of your app.
2. A New Visual Design:
If you consider changing the visual design of your app or the user experience, you most likely need to release a major app update. You may not drastically change the app UI, but a couple of things, from time to time will help end users engage more with your app and stay familiarized.
3. Underperforming App Metrics:
Driving better app engagement is a major concern for developers, designers, and enterprises. To no surprise, achieving targets and other metrics alongside app engagement contribute greatly in pursuing a major app update. Taking different types of quantitative data into account, you can figure out what needs to be improved in your app. You can even collect app users’ feedback to augment the app changes.
4. Aging App Codebase:
Technology keeps advancing at a rapid pace. An app code created two years ago can be considered old and obsolete. An aging code base can be a key driver in giving your app a major update. However, you must know what needs to change in your codebase. If the codebase challenges you to change certain features, if there are constant regressions, or if new libraries are enabling easier implementation of features, you may need to embark on a major app update or perhaps a complete rewrite.
5. Latest Design Trends:
As stated earlier, a major update can also be pursued to release a new user interface for your app that makes navigation or using your app even easier. Even an old-age app design can call for a major app update. If your app design is behind the times, you must consider app update to adhere to the latest design trends. Following latest design trends lets you create an emotional connection with users while helping your app earn a top spot on the user’s favorite app list.
On the whole, there’s a constant need for improvement, irrespective of the type of app you own. Design and development trends change faster than you may have predicted. So, it’s imperative for developers providing iOS app services to be aware of the room for improvement and consider visual designs, new features, aging code base, a significant app analytics and marketing tractions, current trends, and technologies while implementing a major app update. What other factors drive a major app update initiative? Share your opinions with us using the comment section below.