5 Tips To Be Successful Yoga Guru

Posted by Jeffery cloouse
Jul 8, 2016

For many yoga gurus or enthusiasts, teaching yoga or opening up a small yoga studio may have crossed your mind on many occasions. From the outset, Yoga is a hobby and potentially an avenue that you would be able to make some cash on the side and even potentially build your venture into a successful business. However, without adequate planning, the right business attitude and the most effective yoga studio software to manage your clientele, the job could prove very unsuccessful.

If you're committed to ensuring the success of your business, then a good yoga studio software to maintain your schedule and keep things on track is a major requirement.  Here are 5 tips that will help you make yoga training a full-time job for yourself.

1. Having the right business attitude

You need to understand that you are selling a service to consumers. Like any other customer management business unit to have something that will help you manage distribution channels, a lot of resources without waste, and maximise income. The key to making a good income via yoga training is to make proper utilisation of every minute of your time. Another great way to expand positively in the community is by building strategic partnerships with external businesses in the area to drive referrals.

2. Be different in what you do

It is important to realise that the market is full of yoga teachers; no one is yet another run-of-the-mill yoga teacher anymore. Unless you differentiate and make a special niche for yourself you will be competing for the same marketplace that expects something more from you, something different from what already is available. Perhaps you can diversify your services to corporate environments or in places where the demand is underserved.

3. Have a good networking strategy

Social media is fine to initiate conversations and reach out to more of your potential client base. However, you need something more professional and powerful to network with your students, other yoga teachers, other studio managers, clubs and organisations among other things. An effective yoga studio software helps you minimise time input for all these tasks. With a proper strategy you will be genuinely able to network with everybody who is important in your business.

4. Build your brand and sell yourself

Even if you diversify and create a very strong niche for yourself in the yoga teaching market, you may never get enough students to make good money because you're not selling yourself the right way. Find out how to reach to your untapped customer base in the least expensive way but in a very effective manner. Leverage the power you get from your network of students for word-of-mouth marketing and also tap into branding features built into the software for maximum effect.

5. Monetise every minute of your serviceable time

The secret to earning more money being a yoga guru is to make effective use of every single minute that you put into your service. Scheduling is the key to do that and using yoga studio software for time management is your best tool. This lets you calculate how much time you are putting into servicing your client, maintaining a desk job and travelling from your studio to the client location and back. Once you add everything into the equation and figure out how much money you need to be profitable, you will be more successful financially.

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