5 Low-Cost Business Marketing Techniques

Posted by Emma L.
Oct 4, 2017

The traditional marketing is dying away, and not without a reason. With a growing number of startups and small businesses with low budgets, a decreasingly low number of businesses is able to afford TV commercials and billboards. As we know, technology, by default, is always looking to cut costs and the modern means of marketing are no exception. If you’re looking to get your name out there with your pockets still turned the right side in, look no further – here are five low-cost business marketing techniques.

Social networks

For some reason, some businesses still fail to embrace the power of the online world, let alone the unique benefits that the social networks have in store. This is a big mistake, regardless of the business’s size; not only is social media marketing a cheap, efficient way to get your name out there, but it has become vital for spreading the word. Having a LinkedIn profile goes without saying – this social media platform is buzzing with professionals that want to hear about you. On the other hand, there’s Facebook, originally conceptualized for ultimate online hangouts, although it has evolved into an omnipotent platform that covers everything from music, games and private discussions, to business marketing. Even Instagram and Twitter are a fantastic opportunity for you to show the human side of your business, which is a vital step for drawing in new and retaining old customers. The best part about social network marketing: it can be completely free!


The fact that you’ve spread out your reach all across a multitude of social media platforms is no excuse for disregarding the power of having a website. Firstly, not having one is absolutely out of the question if you want to succeed – if you’re not on Google, you might as well not exist! Secondly, having a mediocre website might do more damage than not having one at all – people are repelled by annoying website design. Thirdly, and finally, even the world’s best-designed website has to be maintained. Without regular checkups, updates and posts, the website traffic will dwindle and so will your marketing opportunities.


On the previous note, let’s discuss why keeping the posts page of your website alive is of the essence. Well, people want content – they want to learn new things, read interesting entries and watch entertaining videos. It is the content that will keep your website more alive than any commercial. However, if people are unable to find your content or don’t stumble upon it, you won’t get any use out of it, no matter how good, entertaining and informative it is. This is where keywords kick in – Google (and other) searches are based on them; if a person types in “running shoes”, for instance, a list of results will appear in their search engine, and if your content happens to be near the top of the first page, you’re likely to get a visit, at the very least; and potentially, even a new customer. These are the basics of how Search Engine Optimization (SEO) works.

Respecting the traditional ways

The fact that the world of marketing has evolved and continues to do so doesn’t mean that there is no place for some traditional marketing techniques – people still like the physical form of marketing. For example, giveaways are a cheap and a fantastic opportunity to get your name out there, while supplying your potential leads with useful items, such as branded pens, notebooks, calendars, etc. Make sure that you always equip your giftbag with a flyer, a brochure or a card. Professional brochure printing will help you stand out from the competition more than you might think.

Always think about your customers

The good old “customer is always right” is getting outdated. People don’t like being talked down to. The mentioned saying has slowly given way to “the customer is the most important asset of your business”. Modern businesses need to find as much time as necessary for their prospects – even a billionaire CEO should not refrain from personally contacting a new customer, as this will hugely boost the customer satisfaction and it will make your job feel more rewarding. Remember: you’re in it to help people, just as much you’re in it for the money.

Comments (1)
Rely Services Inc

Rely Services Inc

Thanks for sharing this article regarding business marketing techniques. Your article is really very nice and helpful. Keep Posting.

Jul 29, 2019 Like it
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