5 Common Winter Illness You Must Know About

Posted by Veraaj Verma
Oct 18, 2016
Winters are knocking the door, along with the icy chills comes the illness! While we are only aware of Cold and Sneezes clubbing up with Fever, there are some other illness variants too! Here are some to keep you alert and updated.

Keeping a good hygiene is one of the important factors which can contribute to keeping you away from the winter illness. Winter related illness constitutes of the health issues which attack a person during the winters season.

1. Cold - Cold is the most common issue which attacks a person in winters. To prevent oneself from catching a cold, you should wash your hands time and again to cut out the bacteria to multiply. If you have already caught a common cold then try and avoid using cloth handkerchiefs, instead use the disposable ones so that your hands do not get infected again and again.
2. Sore throats -
It is another very common winter illness. This generally happens due to the constant changing weather conditions, when we move from a centrally heated place to the chilly one. To prevent the same one can gargle with lukewarm water adding a little salt to it.

3. Asthma - Cold weather may trigger Asthma. One can get his condition worse as getting exposed to chilly weather can cause shortness of breath and wheezing. If you have asthma, do not move outside in the chilly weather and protect your nose and mouth with a scarf from getting exposed from the chilly weather.

4. Painful joints - People having Arthritis complain the joints pain terribly during winters. One needs to pay extra attention and visit the doctor if the issue persists. For the elderly, they can buy medicine online to make their work easier. Some even need ointments and oils to relieve the joints pain, in that case, order wellness products through the healthcare apps and make the work easier.

5. Heart Attacks - Heart Attacks probability increases during the winter season as the blood pressure increases and it puts a strain on the heart. Your heart needs to go through a lot of pressure to maintain the body heat. To prevent the same, the easiest way is staying warm, using heaters in case of excess cold weather and using warm blankets to keep oneself protected from heat.

To stay protected and updated with the illness coming your way, book lab tests online and stay known about the issues going in your body! Prevention is always better than cure!
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