4 Step to Restoring and Maintaining your Tile and Grout Professionally

Posted by Austin Baines
Mar 6, 2019
Tile and grout are promptly becoming the most admired choice when installing new kitchen or bathroom floors. Many people prefer to install tile and grout floors in the hallways too. It looks much superior to the usual linoleum floor. There are so many choices of ceramic and porcelain that you can accomplish about any "look" that you trying to achieve.

Every day we come across people who are very unhappy with this investment in their home. Are you one of them? It seems after a year or two the floor becomes increasingly more difficult to keep clean. The tile looks deadly and the grout is grubby. This happens even if you're cleaning the floor often. Unluckily, most floors are not sealed after they are installed. This starts the problem. Grout will soak up grease and dirt very quickly when it is not sealed. When it gets to the point where you believe nothing can be done, you feel appalled because you think you need to replace the floor. Another very sizable investment Even after days of being on your hands and knees scrubbing and cleaning, you're still UN- happy.  

There is good news! Tile & grout can be restored to "better than new" condition or extremely close to it. This starts with having a professional Cleaning Melbourne company inspect and give you a FREE demo of their service. This way you will know what to look forward to from a professional restoration. They will cover what is involved with restoring and maintaining your floors.   

Cleaning and Restoration     

Most floors more than a year old will need to be restored to bring it back to "like new" condition. If the floor was properly sealed upon installation, restoration will most likely not be required. Restoring tile and grout requires a few steps. First we decrease the floor to remove as much oils and grease as possible. Next, we restore the grout with a particular grout line restoration product. This will facilitate the removal of most if not all facade staining. This process also "opens" the grout for apt sealing. When doing these 2 steps mechanical agitation, powerful rinsing and vacuum equipment are necessary. After the cleaning and restoration, the sealing will start.    


There are 2 basic types of sealers. Clear or color seal. A clear sealer is used on nearly all grout where you want to keep that similar color. The sealer is generously supplied and worked into the grout lines. It is imperative to use a high quality durable impregnating sealer for this procedure. Cheap silicone sealers do not last very long. Sealing your grout is important to maintain the floor using the right cleaning agents and tools. You will not be required to use ammonia, bleach, or other harsh chemicals. This will only damage the sealer and grout. 

Stain-proof Color Sealing              

If you are not pleased with the way your grout looks after a restoration cleaning, you can change the color of the grout without replacement. Instead of a clear sealer, you prefer a color of your liking. This process gives your grout a "Brand New" appearance. It gives the floor a whole new look. This procedure makes the grout lines opposing to staining. Once again it is imperative to maintain the floors properly following this process.   


Once the floor is restored and sealed, preserve the floors with a professional cleaning every 6 months. This will keep your floors looking new forever. The sealer will last longer and no additional scrubbing grout lines again. Interim maintenance should be done with our pH-neutral cleaner.

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