4 Popular T-shirt Printing Methods of 2021

Posted by Sophia Anderson
Jan 8, 2021
Nowadays t-shirt personalisation has become very easier than before. A variety of printing techniques are available in the markets. Whether you are looking for customised t-shirts for an event or you want to create impressive team uniforms, here we are going to mention 2021’s 4 popular t-shirt printing methods for large orders.

t shirt printing

Screen printing

Screen printing in Texas is one of the oldest and well-known t-shirt printing methods which is in great demand in 2021. This method is also known as a silkscreen printing method. It requires a stencil and mesh. The entire process of screen printing is simple and fast. Nowadays, screen printing has become very popular in Texas.

What are the pros of screen printing?

The screen printing method is relatively cost-effective for bulk orders and it is compatible with all types of fabrics. The screens are reused and durable & impressive designs can be created. The overall method is fast and seamless.

Direct to garments

Direct to garments or DTG is another popular t-shirt printing process in 2021 which is used to print bulk orders. This method works like a normal office printer. This means a professional textile printer and inks are required. Direct to garments has a number of advantages. A variety of designs can be created easily. 

What are the pros of direct to garments?

Direct to Garments method is used to create complicated designs and it is highly applicable for bulk orders. Smooth and soft prints can be created easily. Like silkscreen printing, DTG is also used for bulk orders. However, the operating cost of this process is high.

Heat press printing process

Heat press printing is an appropriate method for those who have small or limited orders. With the heat printing process, the experts use the transfer paper for making a variety of designs. Heat pressing is a comparatively simple process and ideal for complex designs.

What are the pros of heat press printing?

The entire process of screen printing is quite simple and fast. This process is extremely ideal for complex designs. High-quality prints can be created by this printing process.

Plastisol transfer:

Last but not the least, plastisol transfer is very similar to the silk screen printing process. In this process, multiple designs are printed on a single plastisol paper.  

What are the pros of plastisol transfer?

The printing process is cost-effective and easy to operate. Apart from that, a variety of designs can be created on a single paper. 

From this article, you will surely get the best t-shirt printing technique. All these methods are budget-friendly and ideal for medium and large scale orders. They will meet your needs and requirements. 
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