3 Tips for Younger, Healthier Looking Skin

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Our skin is the largest organ in or on the human body, yet most people don't realize that there are many factors that can affect its health. Younger adults usually don't spend much time thinking about the long-term effects their habits will have on their skin. By the time adults take a bigger interest in skincare, much of the wear and tear damage has become irreversible. While you can't undo some types of skin damage, these tips will help you restore and maintain some of the youthfulness and health of your skin.
Cleanse and Moisten Your Skin
Even if you work in an environment that seems clean, such as an office, your skin is constantly being bombarded with contaminants. From the dust that the HVAC system blows around to the exhaust that cars release in traffic, there are hundreds of contaminants that clog your skin's pores on a daily basis. This is why you should properly clean your skin by using a gentle cleanser and massaging it into your pores with your fingers. You can find the best cleanser for your type of skin by looking for products related to natural anti-aging skincare online. In particular, be sure to thoroughly cleanse your face and neck to remove contaminants, including makeup and sebum. Pat your skin dry with a soft, non-abrasive cloth.
You should also be moisturizing your skin two to three days per week. The best method is to use a cream that contains retinol, which is a form of vitamin A that's helpful in reducing and preventing acne, liver spots, and fine lines. It does this by exfoliating and reinvigorating the skin cells. You should start out slowly, applying it just once per day and increasing the application until you can apply it each morning and evening. During the first week, you may notice dryness or peeling skin. This is natural. It takes up to four weeks to produce positive effects on the skin, so keep up with the routine.
Take Care of Your Skin
In addition to cleansing and moisturizing, there are other things you can do to keep your skin healthy and youthful. This starts with measuring your sun exposure. Too much direct sunlight will result in dry skin cells that will wrinkle and discolor your outer layer of skin. Additionally, you'll be running the risk of developing skin cancer. However, you do need vitamin D that sun exposure provides. The best approach is to wear sunscreen whenever you spend time in the sun and to limit your time outdoors. If you're going to the beach or engaging in any outdoor activities, try to schedule those events early in the day or later in the early evening. The mid-afternoon hours are when the sun is at its most harmful.
You should also be eating a plant-based diet to give your skin all of the nutrients and vitamins it needs. When choosing vegetables and fruits, go by skin color. Eating a broad range of colors will give your body more vitamins and nutrients. You should also be sure to drink plenty of water. Your body's organs, including your skin, rely on a steady influx of water to stay hydrated and moisturized.
Bad Habits to Avoid
There are several ways you may be harming the health of your skin. To begin, look at your sleep schedule. If you're not getting a minimum of seven hours of sleep each night, your skin will show the signs of aging much sooner. As you sleep, several body processes occur to ensure your continued good health. This includes circulating oxygen-rich blood to the layers of the skin, which helps rebuild the presence of collagen. The collagen in your skin is responsible for healing UV damage and other types of damage to the skin cells.
Additionally, smoking, alcohol consumption, and processed foods all contribute to the condition of the skin. For example, alcohol soaks up the moisture in the cells, causing the skin to dry out overnight. This is why your skin looks worse after a night of drinking. Smoking also dries the skin cells, leading to less elasticity in the skin. By avoiding or limiting these bad habits, you can reduce the damage done to your skin cells over time.
It's never too late to start taking better care of your skin. As research continues to look for more ways to restore youth and beauty to the skin, following this advice can help you keep your skin looking better for longer. If you have a specific skin problem, consulting a dermatologist can help you alleviate it. Your doctor can also offer you more tips for taking better care of your skin.