3 Things To Do To Maintain Your Pool During The Winter
3 Things To Do To Maintain Your Pool During The Winter
Now that we are into November, it’s possible that you will no longer be using your outdoor swimming pool – indeed, it may have entered its period of ‘winterisation’, the term for the many months in which it is left inactive until the weather warms up again.
But what are some of the most important things that you need to remember to do during this critical time of year for your pool?
1. Remove Any Floating Cover From The Pool
The dangers to your pool during the colder months are not exactly the same as those that you have to deal with during the summer, so you should certainly have a dedicated winter cover ready to place upon it. This necessitates the removal of any floating cover, which should be cleaned and carefully dried and stored to prevent vermin from getting to it.
We offer a wide variety of standard Winter Debris Pool Covers here at Pool Warehouse, manufactured by the highly regarded firm Plastica, and made from heavy-duty polypropylene mesh that allows the water to drain through while keeping leaves and debris out of the pool.
2. Continue Treating The Water
Unfortunately, algae do not stop growing simply because you have ceased using your pool for the winter, so you’ll need to keep on treating the water with shock chlorine or algaecide until the water temperature falls to about 7 degrees C (42 degrees F). Algae don’t usually grow in water that is below 15 degrees C or 60 degrees F, but it’s not impossible, particularly during mild winters.
3. Keep An Eye On The Pool Water Level
A lot of rainfall during the winter can bring with it the risk of your pool water level creeping up, which may, in turn, lead to water flowing into your drained down pump and filter systems, putting them at risk of issues such as frost damage. With some pool liners, it is crucial to prevent the water level from rising so much that water starts getting behind the liner.
Here at Pool Warehouse, we have all of the winter debris pool covers, chemicals and other essentials that you could need to see your pool through the colder months ahead. Get your pool maintenance right during the festive and New Year period, and you can be sure of your pool being in tip-top condition when every member of your family wishes to use it again from the spring!