2023 Top Rated Homeschool Curriculum Nature Study and Wilderness Survival Skills
You want your kids to grow up loving nature and the outdoors, and you also want to make sure they can always take care of themselves, no matter what happens!
The RWE curriculum is designed for homeschool parents like you who want to teach children practical skills that can be applied in real-world settings. The lesson plans included in the curriculum will engage your kids with the outdoors while conveying hands-on knowledge for a range of different scenarios.
Check out the curriculum here: https://runningwildexplorers.com
With several different bundles on offer, including a 2-year plan that can expand to 3 or 4 years, the curriculum is aimed at children and parents who love outdoor activities and wish to acquire skills that are not often taught through conventional educational settings.
According to a recent poll conducted by the London Boat Show, more than 50% of young people lack basic life skills that were once common for older generations, such as how to start a fire, tie a survival knot, or navigate without technology. The homeschool curriculum from Running Wild Explorers makes sure your children learn fundamental outdoor survival skills. “Running Wild Explorers came out of a desire to mix nature study and survival skills into one curriculum, designed to engage children in the great outdoors. Students will learn about the nature around them and develop the lost art of survival skills,” says a company spokesperson.
The curriculum is divided into quarterly seasonal parts, with an emphasis on teaching survival skills that are applicable to spring, summer, fall, and winter. Each season can be purchased separately and bundles are also available. You can download a free sample lesson plan here: https://runningwildexplorers.com/complimentary-lesson
Each RWE season contains a variety of content and experiences, including nature jokes and interesting facts, hands-on experiments with common household materials, hand-made crafts, and access to additional information, including videos and websites relevant for each lesson.
The quarterly segments of the curriculum are comprehensive and require no additional materials, offering an accessible and user-friendly experience for you as a homeschooling parent.
The RWE website features numerous reviews from satisfied clients. Ada L. says, “Running Wild Explorers has been an amazing investment of time for my family. The organized schedules keep us right on track, and make the outside activities intentional and meaningful!”
Make sure your kids learn to love the outdoors and gain critical survival skills!
Learn more about RWE here: https://billing.runningwildexplorers.com
Running Wild Explorers 108 South Main Street #1018, Rusk, Texas 75785, United States Website https://runningwildexplorers.comPost Your Ad Here