2019 Trends in the Australian Construction Industry

Posted by Emma L.
May 28, 2019

In 2018, the Australian construction industry increased by a staggering 9.3 percent, which is simply staggering for such a massive field of work. With this trend of growth in mind and the fact that Australia’s population is growing by 1.6 percent every year (both due to migration and natural childbirth), it’s more than obvious that the construction industry might start playing an even larger role in the Australian economy. With this in mind and without further ado, here are the top five trends in the Australian construction industry in 2019, that are worth keeping one’s eye on.

Energy-efficient building

The first trend worth mentioning is energy-efficient building. You see, there’s an estimate that about 25 percent of heat leaves the place via the roof, about 50-60 percent via walls, about 15 percent via doors and between 10 and 20 percent via windows. Given the fact that existing buildings are responsible for about 40 percent of the world’s total primary energy consumption, a step forward in energy-efficiency could make a major difference in the field of environmentalism. This is why the construction industry in 2019 is focusing on energy-efficient building solutions like the increased use of timber and better heating and cooling systems.

Architectural software

The software can make a major difference in the field of 3D modeling, especially if one is using a reliable BIM (building information modeling) system. This way, the architect in question gets a reliable 3D model to examine and show their clients. They also get a completely safe environment where they can test their construction. Present-day 3D modeling isn’t just about the appearance of the structure. It’s also there to examine and calculate how various structural elements and materials will behave in a real-life environment. Needless to say, this is a massive improvement in the fields of safety and efficiency.

Innovative construction methods

The thing that can move the construction industry forward, as a whole, is the innovation in the field of construction methods. Agencies that specialize in manufacturing of permanent formwork can ensure that construction projects are halved in work time and the overall cost of a construction project is cut in costs by as much as 50 percent. This alone would make it possible for construction companies to increase their profit, while helping clients save money, at the same time. This kind of innovation benefits everyone and can, therefore, make a massive difference in the future course of the industry.

Improvements in the field of PPE

The construction industry is, due to its very nature, a high-risk field of work. This is why personal protection equipment (PPE) matters quite a bit. First of all, a hard-hat is a must due to the fact that 5 out of every 6 workers who suffer from an injury on a construction site weren’t wearing a hard hat at the time. The improvement in the field of hard hat material and design can make a major difference when it comes to saving lives and minimizing injuries. Eyes and ears, hands and one’s feet need to be protected, as well. All of this is covered by extensive investment in PPE research and development.

Greater appeal to the millennial audience

One of the biggest problems that the construction industry in Australia has faced in the past was the fact that it wasn’t that appealing to millennial audiences. Nowadays, with a bigger and bigger emphasis on personal technology like wearables and smartphone applications, as well as tech trends like VR and AR in the training process, things might finally take a turn for the better. This alone might make this industry more appealing for the millennial audience which might do wonders for it on the job market.


The reason why it’s so important to notice a growing industry is due to the fact that it always affects a myriad of other, related industries, as well. The construction industry, however, affects much more, due to the fact that it employs millions and is tightly intertwined with the real estate industry. Overall, the above-listed five trends are more than worth attention.

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