Jetlag Causes and Home Remedies

Posted by Jeramey Thompson
Jun 13, 2011
Jetlag, also known as desynchronosis, is a temporary disorder, resulting from air travel across time zones. The hypothalamus of the brain acts as an alarm clock, regulating and activating body functions like sleep, hunger, thirst etc according to the time schedule to which the body is habituated. The fibers of the optic nerve in the eye transmit the perceptions of light or darkness to the time keeping section of hypothalamus which then directs the body to act accordingly.

But if a person, who has traveled to a different time zone, visualizes dawn or dusk much earlier or later than usual, the hypothalamus triggers certain signs which show that the body has not been able to adjust yet to the changes in time, and thus jetlag occurs. Jetlag is more of a condition than a disease. Jetlag results in temporary fatigue, insomnia, irritability, lack of concentration, loss of appetite, constipation or diarrhea, dehydration, fuzziness, discomfort in legs and feet, headache, mild fever, laziness, anxiety etc. Some of the factors triggering jetlag symptoms may be listed as follows:

1. Improper sleep before flight
2. Dehydrated body
3. Cold and flu attack preceding flight
4. Less humidity at higher altitude
5. Excessive intake of alcohol before or during flight
6. Sitting static on a plane chair for long hours.

Home Remedies for Jetlag

1. Drink plenty of water on a flight. Take a glassful after every hour. This is the best way to keep jetlag at bay.

2. Mix few drops of rosemary oil in half cup water and drink. This is an effective home remedy for jetlag.

3. Drinking valerian tea wards off jetlag symptoms.

4. During the day, take thorough sun baths. This prevents jetlag.

5. Take juices during flight and keep your body refreshed and fully hydrated. This checks jetlag.

6. During extended stopovers or transit breaks, try to take showers. This lessens the possibility of jetlag.

7. Have a good sleep before boarding the plane. This will help you to avoid jetlag.

8. Once you sit on plane chair, stretch your legs and kick off your shoes to release pressure from feet. This is a useful jetlag remedy.

9. Do not overeat before boarding plane.

10. Eat little but consume carbohydrate or protein rich diet, for it will help you to sleep soundly on flight.

11. Avoid intake of alcohol or caffeine on flight or before.

These simple home remedies and precaution help you prevent or cure jet lag problem.

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