Do YOU Want to DROP 23 Pounds in 23 Days?

Posted by Cindy Bolley
Jun 6, 2011
Trying to lose weight can be extremely depressing.
Perhaps the most discouraging thing about losing weight
is that it does not come off fast enough to keep you motivated
to continue.
Even though gaining weight was a gradual process...
Somehow we think that getting rid of excess pounds
should be able to be done QUICKLY!
In 1954 Dr. Simeons discovered something that would be able to
get rid of excess weight quickly and also keep it off.
It was not a miracle.... but to many it seemed like one.
57 years ago this was done with injections...
Today it is done with HCG Drops that you place under your tongue.

You can read more about it here...... 

Click the Welcome link in the left navigation menu, to reveal a mini
website and use the tabs on top to navigate through.  There
you can download your copy of Dr. Simeons original protocol,
the eBook, "Pounds and Inches".  You will also find a
Quick Start Guide and a link to a fantastic HCG online recipe
book.  You'll find other tabs that describe the diet in greater
detail, including the phases, and the acceptable foods.

If you are not on Facebook, and don't wish to be, you can get
your copy of the eBook here: 


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Comments (5)
Belinha Fernandes

Plastic artist

LOL! Cindy, for years and years I disliked the beach. I was already in college when I spent a summer on the beach and went, wow, I love this life. But by that time when I was young and slim I always wear a mailot - what's the english word?!!! Bathing suit! Five years ago I changed to bikini and now I hate the idea of having cloth over my belly! But my belly seems to have her own mind about it, she insists to show off, especially this product...:) One of the best things

Jun 6, 2011 Like it
Cindy Bolley


Well I have gained 20# since I have been sitting here having fun
And I was a bit OVER to begin with so......

Not been in one of them in many years.
I am cracking up at the thought of that image you have just brought up of me in a bikini!!

Gotta love a good laugh
You go Belinha.....


Jun 6, 2011 Like it
Belinha Fernandes

Plastic artist

Cindy!This is the right product to offer internet maketers! I am doomed. I was already spending most of my time in front of a PC illustrating and having fun. If my interest on IM continues I am sure I will get some hugly extra pounds in a few months. I'm on red alert already! I went to the beach last week and my bikini seemed to have shrunk during the winter...

Jun 6, 2011 Like it
Cindy Bolley


I will give them to you.... Not a problem!
Some people have all the luck


Jun 6, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

What happens Cindy if l want to gain weight, what do l need to do............actually l could use them 23 pounds....:}

Jun 6, 2011 Like it
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