DIscussions in articles are getting more and more interesting
In the past few days, I have participated in discussions in comments on articles with other members.
It's been awesome !
Different points of view expressed, additional info provided, all done in full respect of what the others have said, no abuse, no thrown links...
God, I loved APSense before that...
Now, it's becoming one BIG family of serious marketers who really share their experiences, give tips, we help each other.
Guys and gals, 2011 is starting, not with a bang, but with a BIG BANG at APSense !!!
If you've ever heard of the Big Bang theory, some people say the expansion of the universe will reach a limit and and then will get back to what it was at the beginning. That theory is called the Big Crunch.
I have a feeling that the BIG CRUNCH will happen at other low-quality Social Marketing sites when we steamroll over them to get the other serious marketers and leave their greedy selfish owners in the dust. ( evil laugh )
I'm a dreamer, what can I say ? LOL
It's been awesome !
Different points of view expressed, additional info provided, all done in full respect of what the others have said, no abuse, no thrown links...
God, I loved APSense before that...
Now, it's becoming one BIG family of serious marketers who really share their experiences, give tips, we help each other.
Guys and gals, 2011 is starting, not with a bang, but with a BIG BANG at APSense !!!
If you've ever heard of the Big Bang theory, some people say the expansion of the universe will reach a limit and and then will get back to what it was at the beginning. That theory is called the Big Crunch.
I have a feeling that the BIG CRUNCH will happen at other low-quality Social Marketing sites when we steamroll over them to get the other serious marketers and leave their greedy selfish owners in the dust. ( evil laugh )
I'm a dreamer, what can I say ? LOL
Comments (7)
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Toshiba, that's the part I love the most, to find ways to improve APSense so that more people join, it benefits all of us
@Nnamdi, amen to that :)
Nnamdi A.
Internet Marketer
I like the way comments to articles and revpages are now going. In up to 20 comments, you may find just one spam. We are going somewhere and we shall get there.
APSense is fast becoming an authority site and we shall collectively get us there through the quality of our articles, revpages and comments.
Toshiba Burton
Social Media Consultant
Philippe you are always making ways for us all to improve this site & we really appreciate it!
Patsy j Payne
konnektions konsultant
The content and discussions are becoming more complex and interesting. More people are responding. I'v noticed more people watching for scam. i think that is battle we will win.
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Funny, the first 2 people who comment are among the people I had in mind when I had the discussions
Hi Tony and Kevin :)
Tony Denson
Local Market Consultant
It is great to interact with true marketers and new marketers with a heart for integrity. Let's continue to keep the standards high
Kevin Bru
It's All Up to YOU! Act NOW!
Keep on dreaming my friend!