I Had A Dream: This is what was reveled to me
A few months ago I had a Dream and to the life of me can not figure out what it meant to me. The dream came to me through a scripture and it has been stuck in my head ever since. I read it every chance I get because I believe God was speaking to me. The funny thing is I have not had any other scriptures sent to me. I think God wants me to understand this scripture before moving on to another.
The scripture is: Ecclesiastes 3:17
New International Version (?1984)
I thought in my heart, "God will bring to judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time for every deed."
I thought in my heart, "God will bring to judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time for every deed."
The Dream came to me after all the things happen to my family between June and October. If you have not read my last Post take the time to do so here: Hoping 2011 Will Be a Better Year!
I have yet to figure out what it means. Before the Scripture came to me in a dream I was telling my self and my wife there are reasons things happen. We have to be patient to see what God has in store for us.
If anyone who can shed some light on this scripture please do.
Comments (7)
Kevin Bru
It's All Up to YOU! Act NOW!
I believe that He is saying "I will bring the wicked to my judgement for Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord" So don't take any illegal actions on you're own, leave that too Him/Her. If you want to do something legal, like sue or bring charges against, that is always the option left open to us.
Lonnie Niver
Niver's Art
Thank you Sean, I read 1 through 7 and thought did God want me to read and understand 3:17 or 3:1 through 7 but then that would mean I would need 8 too. "A time for everything..."
Thank you Rieke - Now that is a lot of thought put into this and I like it. It is making me think about it more and I think I am beginning to understand it more. This is too much to bare... God does work in mysterious ways.
I have tears in my eyes from all this. Very touching and I hope someday I can repay you
Rieke F.
Hi Lonnie,
your article about your dream brought me to all what happened in your life in the former months. Now back again here, I am thinking about the scripture. I translated it into my mother language (german) and here I stumbled upon the words: 'activity' and 'deed'. There doesn't seem to be a great difference, as 'activity' too includes being active, doing something. But does this necessarily derive out of ourself? Is it something we are doing because we want to do it or is it simple an
Sean North
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. - Ecclesiastes 3:1
I believe the you answer you seek may be in these words Lonnie,
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
We humans are not very patient and we tend to take things for granted. I actually hear one of the best takes on this in an Eddie Murphy movie called Vampire in Brooklyn. Eddie Murphy (the vampire) takes over the body of the preacher and is giving a sermon on 'necessary evil' and sums it up with this line
"If every day is a sunny day, then what is a sunny day?"
God understands that we NEED to be exposed to the bad to appreciate the good when we have it. We simply WANT all the good.
Lonnie Niver
Niver's Art
Thank you Cheryl that was very good. Never looked at it that way. Thought I was doing something wrong.
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
We often ask for what we want instead of what we need. God gives us what we need and we often don't see it because it is not what we asked for.
It's a reminder that we are in his hands. And he will provide in his own good time which is not our deadline.
We look around the world and often ask ourselves how can God let this happen or that happen and we forget that it is all part of HIS plan.