Interesting Inspiration

Posted by Ian Begg
Nov 7, 2010
Image Got an interesting email from a fellow marketer today that I thought might be inspiring..

I'm not sure of the Author, but thought it's essence was worthy of sharing, I'd be interested in your comments.

Have you ever heard a friend, husband, wife, brother,sister or parent tell you that trying to learn Internet and Network Marketing is a waste of time?

I sure had my share of nay-sayers. Don't they just love to rain on your parade?

But come on! Why knock peoples dreams? Is it because all the nay sayers are afraid?

At one point in my life, it really ticked me off!

So what changed all the negative attitude around me?


Look, in life, you will always have people who say "You CAN"T DO IT!"

They will tell you your WASTING your time!

And after you do it... you will STILL have critics!

Not as many of course, but they will still be there. Actually sometimes, the more success you see the more critics you will have!

Unfortunately most of the cynical people in my life came from the people closest too me.

In fact, I think many of the meant well, like I said they just don't seem to have any dreams of their own..

But it was the sweetest "revenge" to prove them all wrong. (I'm not talking about "revenge" in a negative context... I've never rubbed in my success.)

People (including me) are a curious bunch. As beautiful as we can be... ugliness can still rear its head. And raising above it is a liberating feeling.

My advice?

Promise yourself TODAY you will prove the doubters wrong.

In the End, we will remember not the words of our
enemies, but the silence of our friends.
-Martin Luther King

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Comments (2)
Ian Begg

Marketer, Engineer

@Dawie, couldn't agree with you more - thank you.

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

That is a good message Ian, One should never give up even if times are hard. Persistance always pay of at the end of the day.

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
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