insurance leads
Insurance Leads for Insurance Agents = Increase In Sales
A Marketing Strategy For Insurance Agents To Succeed in A Crisis Economy
With a troubled economy and the high price of gas, more consumers are choosing to travel the information superhighway to research, compare prices and shop for insurance. As consumers become more internet savvy, they are no longer content with insurance rates offered by their local insurance agency. The internet allows consumers the convenience of comparing quotes from a number of insurance agents and carriers in minutes, just by filling out one intuitive online questionnaire. ComScore, a preeminent media research group, has recently studied online auto insurance shopping activity in the United States. The study showed that 32 million people went online to shop for auto insurance in 2007, and over 12 million have actually purchased auto insurance policies. That's a 37% increase compared to 2006. With such a massive flight of consumers to the internet to shop for insurance, internet insurance leads must be a major feature in your marketing portfolio. To direct some of that growing traffic your way you need, the most prominent sign on the insurance superhighway.