I Love Challenges
Challenges are a necessary ingredient in the success menu.
They come in different shades, pattern and dimensions.
Some wonderful opportunities are clothed in challenges.
Albert Einstein, one of the greatest inventors of our time, was a man who was
absolutely passionate about his work.
He deployed more than one hundred methods, but didn?t succeed.
When others had all given up, he choose to try more methods, until he finally
got it right.
The more challenges he faced, the more efforts he was putting in.
The more challenge that come my way the more creative I become.
I see challenges as an opportunity for me to break new frontiers and prove
people wrong.
I once organized a wealth creation seminar in 2006.
Did all the publicity and advert, and was shocked to find only one participant
on the day of the seminar.
Though shocked, I still went ahead with the seminar.
I learnt quite some useful lessons from that seminar, which proved to be very
profitable later on in my business.
Challenges keep me on my toes, and enable me to keep on improving on myself.
When others tell me I cannot achieve certain feats that become a stimulus to
Every great achiever had to surmount one challenge or the other before arriving
at the domain of success.
One of the most remarkable stories that motivated me beyond measure was that of
a physically challenged fellow who participated in the 2008 GLOBACOM half
All he had was a roller skate, and the will power to succeed.
In the midst of able-bodied men, this physically challenged man, overcame all
odds and came out in the 8th position.
He talked about almost giving up midway into the race, because of the pains he
was feeling all over the body.
After completing one of the most challenging races of his life, he felt like a
I love challenges, because it gives me enough reason to succeed.
Each day i wake up, i resolve in my heart never to make my detractors to have a reason to rejoice.
No matter the level of challenge i face, i refuse to give up.