Do you take One Time Offers

Posted by Ivan Golemdzhiyski
Mar 15, 2010
Image One Time Offers are "trade mark" of almost every membership site.
One time offers is when you are shown an offer initiating your
first login, or when the website owner has a special proposition.

It's something that you can purchase (product or service) at
a massive discount.

 *Example: You are signed up for a membership site, which provides
 advertising services. The first thing you see after your login is
 an offer to purchase an advertising package of 10 k credits for $5,97,
 which you can do in the members area for $9,97.

 Or to pay for an anual subscription $97, instead $14,97/month in the
 members area.

As you can see OTOs always are reasonable to take as soon as you're
convinced of the product's qualty.

It's good idea to keep your payment processor funded with enough
amount of money, so you could take the advantage of the OTOs value.

Speaking of advertising industry particularly, taking OTOs will
reduce advertising cost to very little or no money at all over time.

*Note: You could get your money back as commissions from your
referrals with just a few sales... and even to be in profit.

Shortcut: Take the OTOs anytime you can afford it!

To your marketing Success,
Ivan Golemdzhiyski
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Comments (1)
Jan aka Jaz Green

Depending on the offer, yes, some are worth signing up for; especially those that offer monetary bonuses.

Mar 15, 2010 Like it
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